where is crusher in poptropica super power

where is crusher in poptropica super power

Poptropica Super Power Island Walkthrough

Welcome to our Poptropica Super Power Island Walkthrough guide.We're writing a memory guide for the island (it's been a long time) hoping to add Super Power Island to the Steam version of the game, but we're confident it will stand the test of time and pass a bit. use for beginners.

Poptropica Super Power Island Walkthrough

Cross through the water and you will come to an island with a prison that has a green meteorite that smashed into it. Talk to the guard with the gray hair and moustache. He is the prison warden. Talk to him about the escaped prisoners and he will give you an item called the, Super Villain Files.

How do you defeat the villain in the junkyard on Super Power …

Crusher is stomping, and then throwing barrels, in the junkyard. Climb up at right, then jump up to and over him to reach the crane. Turning the power off will drop a refrigerator on him. Then ...

Super Power Villain Club, Drafts, & More! | Poptropica Tips …

Crusher. Crusher has the ability to shake the ground, lift heavy objects, and survive a car being dumped on him; Your screen shakes whenever he stomps; He most likely has anger issues-he stomps his foot a lot; Ratman. The name "ratman" is the name his wife gave him when she learned about his super powers; His stench keeps super …


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Crusher is one of the six villains of Super Power Island. He is located in the junkyard. Before the mutation, Crusher stole a monster truck and smashed every car in a parking lot. He went to the County Prison for it.

How do you beat the crusher on super power on poptropica?

So you go to the junkyard and you'll see Crusher. Jump on the oil cans before he knocks you off. Then jump over him and jump on to the crane. Jump quickly or you will get knocked off. Go in the ...

What order are the villains on Super Power island?

The ability to fly is an actual "super power" on the island, and is only acquired by defeating the first five super villains (Copycat, Speeding Spike, Sir Rebral, Ratman, and Crusher), using your ...

Super Villain Island

Super Villain Island, sometimes abbreviated SVI, was the 30th island on Poptropica, being released for members on September 27, 2012 and for non-members on October 18, 2012. In this island, you …


Copy is one of the villains of Super Power Island. She is known for the ability to clone herself. According to her super villain file, her crime is the illegal copying of music. She also has multiple personalities, and is a real trickster. She got her super power from the asteroid that landed on County Prison. She is a smug and cocky villain. Back in school, she …

Speeding Spike | Poptropica Wiki

Speeding Spike is one of the villains of Super Power Island. Speeding Spike has a punk rocker look with golden earrings, green spiked hair, and a prison outfit. He was in jail for speeding in a school zone. Speeding …


Ratman is one of the villains of Super Power Island. Ratman has a long Fu Manchu mustache and is capable of controlling rats and, possibly, insects (flies). Ratman was a mastermind that hypnotized rats to help him steal jewels and money. His pets later "ratted" him out and he was sent to County Prison. One day, a radioactive meteor crashed into …

Crusher | Wiki | Poptropica Amino

Crusher is the fifth villain you must face in the Junkyard. He has the power of super strength. He is one of four male the Super Villains crew.


Crusher is one of the six villains of Super Power Island. He is located in the junkyard. Crusher has always enjoyed smashing things. For fun, he once stole a monster truck and smashed all the cars in a parking lot. He escaped Super Power County Prison after a radioactive meteor crashed into …


Poptropica is an online role-playing game, developed in 2007 by Pearson Education's Family Education Network, and targeted towards children aged 6 to 15. ... and Super Power Island, where their goal is to defeat six super villains: Copy , Speeding Spike, Sir Rebral, Crusher, Ratman, and Betty Jetty. Each island had its own quest, for which a ...

Super Power Island Guide – Poptropica Help Blog

Super Power Island is Poptropica's 5th island. It was released on July 26, 2008 – the same day as the founding day of this Poptropica fansite you're on, the Poptropica Help Blog! ... Crusher may be challenging but it is not impossible! 😉 ...

How do you catch ratman on super power island?

The ability to fly is an actual "super power" on the island, and is only acquired by defeating the first five super villains (Copycat, Speeding Spike, Sir Rebral, Ratman, and Crusher), using your ...

Sewer Room

The Sewer Room is the hideout of the villain Ratman. You can access it by going through the city park, through the bathroom, into the open drain, get past the sewer entrance puzzle, into the door and you're in. After the meteor crash and the bank robbery, Ratman hid here. Eventually, he was found by the Hero. After a fight in the Sewer Room, the Hero came …

Poptropica Cheats for Super Power Island

Pick up the phone while coming back from the prison to collect the flying power; totally awesome, but only available on Super Power. The old hero will quote Spiderman now ("with great power, comes great responsibility.")

Category:Super Power Island | Poptropica Wiki | Fandom

Black Hole; Castle (Astro-Knights Island) Main Street (Super Power Island) Subway Station; The Crystal Gate; 24 Carrot Island Locations; Astro-Knights Island Locations


Ratman is one of the villains of Super Power Island. Much like the other Super Power villains, Ratman is dressed in a prisoner's clothing. He has brown hair and a mustache. He also has the ability to control rats with his mind. In the island, he uses this power against you in an attempt to escape capture. Ratman was a mastermind that hypnotized rats to …

Super Power Island Guide – Poptropica Help Blog

Welcome to Super Power Island, where criminals with superpowers are on the loose! Will you save the day and capture them all? Let's get started. Head into the Comic Shop and talk to the nerdy storekeeper, Ned Noodlehead. Ask if he has anything other than comic books, and he'll give you The Superhero's Handbook.

How do you finish super power island?

The only power you can get on Super Power island is the power to fly. (you can only use it on this island) To get that power, you have to defeat 5 super-villains by your wits alone.

Crusher (Poptropica) | Villains Wiki

Crusher is a villain of Super Power Island on Poptropica. Crusher derives immense pleasure from smashing objects and causing destruction. His penchant for mayhem manifested early on when he stole a monster …

How do you beat sir rebel on super power island?

Crusher is in the junkyard, shaking the ground by stomping. At first, you will have to jump up when he stomps or you will be knocked down. ... How do you get a jetpack on poptropica on super power ...

Super Power Island/Walkthrough

Arrive on Super Power Island. Go to "Masks & Capes" and talk to the guy. He will give you a Super Hero ID. Then, go across the water on the left to get to the prison. Talk to the prison warden and he will give you theSuper Villain Profiles. Next, talk to the lady, and she will give you Anti-Power Handcuffs. Main article: Copy Head to the right to Down …

How do you beat the crusher on super power on poptropica?

So you go to the junkyard and you'll see Crusher. Jump on the oil cans before he knocks you off. Then jump over him and jump on to the crane. Jump quickly or you will get knocked off. Go...

Super Power Island

}} Super Power Island is the 5th island on Poptropica, featuring villains mutated by a meteor. They now have super powers and are wrecking havoc on the city, and it's your job to stop them before it's too late! When a meteor crashed into the side of County Prison, 6 super-powered villains escape and wreck havoc all over the island. You are the island's …

Super Villain Island Guide

Step into the elevator. While going up, you'll pass Copy , Mr. Silva, Sir Rebel, Crusher, El Mushachio Grande, Ratman, Betty Jetty, and Gretchen Grimlock – a variety of villains encountered on previous islands. ... The prisoners from Super Power Island are holding one of the guards hostage in a cell. And the only person who knows the ...


Mordred is a villain that formerly lived in the Kingdom of Arturus. Mordred is also known as the Binary Bard, and is a Poptropica Creator. He is based on the enemy and son/nephew of King Arthur in Arthurian legend, known as Medraut, Modredus, or Mordred. Mordred was very creative and innovative and he believed anything was possible. This is proven …