cpm machine instructions for use

cpm machine instructions for use

CPM Machine After Knee Replacement: Uses and …

A continuous passive motion (CPM) machine is a motorized device that gently moves a joint through a set range of motion. It is sometimes used after knee replacement surgery to prevent scar tissue …

CPM machine: For hips, knees, and more

At week 6, participants using a CPM machine could bend their knee around 2 degrees more than those who did not use CPM. At week 6, participants using a CPM machine scored their pain at an …

Continuous Passive Motion

Kinex Medical Company is the largest supplier of CPM's in the US. CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) devices perform passive range of motion to a knee, shoulder, or other joint following orthopedic surgery. CPM's are typically used for 3-6 weeks after surgery to help restore extension and flexion range to the affected limb.

CPM Machine: What You Need to Know

A continuous passive motion machine is commonly known as a CPM machine. It is a machine that keeps your leg moving continuously after you've had knee surgery. Your biggest risk after having surgery on a …

How to Reduce Recovery Time After Knee Surgery …

Using a CPM machine is a great way to reduce recovery time after knee surgery. It provides a gentle range of motion to the knee joint, helping to reduce swelling and stiffness while promoting the body's …


Phone: 800-237-6708 Fax: 888-532-4008 OPTIFLEX K1 KNEE CPM INSTRUCTIONS PURPOSE: Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) units are electrically powered devices that move a specific joint through its range of motion. By using a motorized device to gradually move the knee joint, it is possible to significantly accelerate recovery time by

How to Reduce Recovery Time After Knee Surgery Using a CPM

The elbow CPM machine is designed to flex and extend the elbow joint. Lastly, the hip CPM machine is designed to flex and extend the hip joint. See Also: [Link to "What Are the Different Types of CPM Machines and Their Uses?"] How to Use a CPM Machine. Using a CPM machine is a great way to reduce recovery time after knee …


• Provides immediate post-operative continuous passive motion. • Digital ROM readout on the patient hand control for positive reinforcement. ... Spastic paralyses, Unstable fractures, Uncontrolled infection. The machine are not adapted for patients height more 2 m(6'7") or under 1,40m (4'7"). 3 GB Description KINETEC Spectra consists of the ...

Chattanooga Artromot Elbow Patient Instructions

Page 1 PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS: ARTROMOT ELBOW CPM Your physician has prescribed a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine to help improve your range of motion. Proper use of this device is critical to ensure that you get an optimal result following your surgery. Your J.I.M. Page 2 ARTROMOT ELBOW CPM degrees.) Release the + or …


The Kinetec Maestra Hand/Wrist CPM allows for 9 different exercises for your hand and wrist. Universal right/left machine for treating either hand, thumb, or wrist. Improve recovery time and reduce swelling and pain. Following hand and/or wrist surgery, a Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine will help your recovery.

Continuous Passive Motion (CPM)

Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) therapy uses machines to move a joint passively i.e. without the patient exerting any effort. A motorised device moves the joint repetitively to …

What Is A CPM Machine And How Does It Work?

CPM machine is an abbreviation for continuous passive motion machine. This electronic device helps provide motion to a joint or ligament that has recently undergone surgery without any input or force by the patient themself. ... Follow the specific operating instructions provided in each respective device, as there are many different …

the medcom group, ltd.

At the medcom group, ltd., our specialty is in supplying orthopedic rehabilitation equipment online. We're best known for our expertise in CPM therapy, and we provide rehab equipment, soft goods and training to patients, hospitals and facilities. We've been helping patients recover since 1988, so call us today for more information!

Continuous Passive Motion After Surgery

A continuous passive motion (CPM) machine helps your child move their joint after surgery. Your child might use this device for their knee, hip, shoulder, or elbow. The CPM machine gently moves the joint. ... The therapist will give instructions on how to use the device. The CPM is set to run for a fixed amount of time. The therapist will set ...

Otto Bock 480-520 Patient Instructions For Use

View and Download Otto Bock 480-520 patient instructions for use online. Knee CPM Device. 480-520 medical equipment pdf manual download. ... To check this step, use the machine to bend the knee. Next fit the lower leg and then finally the foot. ... Page 4 Introduction The 480 and 520 Knee CPM Devices offer continuous passive motion for …

Operation Manual

Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) device used to mobilize knee and hip joints. Suitable for use in hospitals, clinics, general practices and rental services, it is an important supplement to medical and therapeutic treatment. CPM therapy with OPTIFLEX®-K1 is mainly used to prevent the negative effects of immobilization, to allow

User's Manual

risk factors, use of cold therapy may result in serious cold-induced injury, including full thickness skin necrosis: Pathologic sensitivity to cold Behaviors that negatively affect circulation, including poor nutritional status, smoking and tobacco use, excessive caffeine use, and excessive alcohol use Cold application area desensitization due to

CPM Patient Softgoods Padding Kit

CPM Patient Softgoods Specifications. Manufacturer Number: 1828-1; Manufacturer: Furniss Corporation; Color: Winning Gray; Fits Phoenix Series and DC2480 CPM Machines Product Owner's Manual; Experience the comfort and quality of CPM Patient Softgoods. Buy now and enhance your therapy sessions!

Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) Devices

CPM treatment must start within 48 hours following a total knee replacement or a revision of a major component of a previously performed total knee replacement Coverage is limited to that portion of the 3-week period following surgery during which device is used in patient's home


Knee CPM Hand Control Instructions Knee CPM Troubleshooting Knee CPM Purchasing 101 Close Sub-Menu. Service/Parts Service/Parts. Diagnostics Parts Service ... Continuous Passive Motion machines (CPM Machines) gently move a surgically repaired joint (knee, shoulder, elbow, etc.) in order to help keep the joint flexible and …

Otto Bock 480-520 Patient Instructions For Use

View and Download Otto Bock 480-520 patient instructions for use online. Knee CPM Device. 480-520 medical equipment pdf manual download.

Cuisinart EasyPop CPM-150 Series

Cuisinart EasyPop CPM-150 Series User Manual View and Read online. Est. reading time 14 minutes. EasyPop CPM-150 Series Kitchen Appliances manuals and instructions online. Download Cuisinart EasyPop CPM-150 Series PDF manual.

Kinex Shoulder CPM Continuous Passive Motion Machine

1. Promotes Joint Mobility: Continuous passive motion devices help to maintain and improve range of motion (ROM) in the shoulder joint.The continuous and controlled movement prevents the development of adhesions and stiffness. 2. Reduces Joint Stiffness: By keeping the shoulder joint in motion, CPM devices help prevent scar tissue …

What's the correct way to position my CPM machine?

In order for your CPM therapy to be effective, your limb must be properly positioned in the CPM machine. If your CPM Machine is for your knee: Make sure your knee is lined up with the unit's hinge and your foot is rested firmly, yet comfortably, against the footplate. Use your machine on a flat, firm surface, such as the floor or your bed.


KinexCONNECT is a total knee replacement rehabilitation or TKR rehabilitation platform that uses real-time data to improve patient compliance, maintain clinical outcomes, and decrease costs for total knee replacements. The KinexCONNECT pairs a traditional CPM machine with an Android tablet. The tablet controls the machine while it collects, …


The use of a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine was initiated around 1982 after total knee replacements (TKA) to promote healing to the tissues, but other benefits found from CPM included increased ROM, decrease pain and the need for analgesics, and decreased rate of deep vein thrombosis (DVT). [6, 12, 21, 22] Ritter et al [20] however, …

Continuous Passive Motion Patient/Caregiver Instruction Material

When you receive your CPM equipment, we make sure: The equipment you receive is user-friendly. Thorough instructions are included with each machine. (It is very important …


How to instructional videos using our CPM Knee Machine. These videos cover the basics from unboxing the machine, setting it up and using the remote control. If you still have further questions, you can call us and one of our CPM reps can …

Product Instructions

Find product instructions for many of Kinex Medical's equipment right here. Learn the correct way to use the equipment. Toggle navigation. Products . KinexCONNECT; CPM. ... The link below includes operating instructions for the Centura & OptiFlex Shoulder CPM machines. Here you'll see detailed instruction on setting range controls for abduction ...

Massachusetts General Hospital

Prior to surgery, a continuous passive motion (CPM) machine will be delivered to your home. Th1S is a small apparatus that sits on the bed onto ... Unless otherwise Instructed by your doctor continue the CPM at least 10 hours per day. Instructions for CPM use can be revrewed in the Phase one Instructions