in the congo river basin

in the congo river basin

The bold plan to save Africa's largest forest

The Congo Basin contains the world's second-largest rainforest, crucial for regulating the world's climate. Inside it, a plan to halt the forest's decline is bearing fruit.

Why the Congo Basin Is Vital in the Fight Against Climate …

The Congo Basin is the largest expanse of intact rainforest outside of the Amazon. Years of rampant deforestation in the Amazon, however, means more emissions are released due to fires and agriculture than are captured by the trees. This means the Congo Basin is now the only tropical rainforest in the world with enough trees still …

Congo River Basin

The Congo River basin is the second largest river basin in the world, after the Amazon, draining an area approximately the size of western Europe. The tropical …

The River Congo Africa s Sleeping Giant. Regional …

Regional Integration and Intersectoral Conflicts in the Congo Basin Tobias von Lossow Making greater use of the waters of the Congo could boost development across – and beyond – the region, but threatens to favour particular users' interests at the expense of others. Within its enormous catchment area, the Congo is the dominant transport net-

Congo River

The Congo basin is the most clearly distinguished of the various geographic depressions situated between the Sahara to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the south …

The Forests of the Congo Basin: State of the Forests 2021

The "State of the Forests of the Congo Basin" report is published periodically to present the state of the forest ecosystems of Central Africa and how they are managed. Following the 2015 edition devoted entirely to climate change, the 2021 report takes up several themes and is presented in four parts. The report begins by examining the state of the resource, …

The Odd Thing About the World's Deepest River

The Congo River in Central Africa is one of the world's great rivers, carrying 1.25 million cubic feet of water—more than 13 Olympic-sized swimming pools—into the Atlantic Ocean every second.

Congo Basin: Location, Geographical Features & Peatlands

The Congo basin refers to the basin of the Congo River lying across the equator in west-central Africa. It is the world's second-largest river basin (after the Amazon River basin), covering over 1.3 million square miles.

Journey into the Congo Basin

Spanning over six countries, the Congo Basin is the world's largest carbon sink. In the run-up to the Africa COP-27, Central African voices are calling for adaptation. Listen to voices of local climate …

Congo Basin Deforestation Threatens Food and Water …

Deforestation rates in the Congo Basin — historically lower than in the Amazon and southeast Asia — are on the rise, particularly in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The DRC lost the second-largest area of tropical primary forest of any country on Earth (after Brazil) in 2018, according to data on Global Forest Watch.

Congo River Basin

The Congo River basin is the second largest river basin in the world, after the Amazon, draining an area approximately the size of western Europe. The tropical forests in the democratic republic of Congo, which accounts for the greatest part of the basin, have a surface area of more than 2.0 million km 2, and they represent about …

Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrological Regimes in the Congo River Basin

The Congo River Basin (Figure 1a) is located in the central region of Africa and spans over nine political boundaries.It is home to one of the largest watersheds in the world, with an estimated drainage area of 3.7 million square kilometers [].It is home to a growing population that currently stands at 75 million people.

Congo River

The Congo's drainage basin covers 4,014,500 km 2 (1,550,000 sq mi), [2] an area nearly equal to that of the European Union.The Congo's discharge at its mouth ranges from 23,000 to 75,000 m 3 /s (810,000 to 2,650,000 cu ft/s), with an average of 41,000 m 3 /s (1,400,000 cu ft/s). [2] The river transports annually 86 million tonnes of suspended …

The Congo River

The Congo River -- formerly called the Zaire River -- is Africa's most powerful river and the second most voluminous river in the world with a discharge of 1,500,000 cubic feet of water per second. It is …

Congo River

Congo River - Hydrology, Basin, Rapids: The Congo has a regular flow, which is fed by rains throughout the year. At Kinshasa the flow has for many years remained between the high level of 2,310,000 cubic feet (65,000 cubic metres) per second, recorded during the flood of 1908, and the low level of 756,000 cubic feet (21,000 cubic …

The Congo River basin (Chapter 5)

The Congo River has the second greatest discharge of any river in the world after the Amazon. It drains 3.7 million km 2 of the African continent. Through its middle course from Boyoma Falls near Kisangani to Malebo Pool at Kinshasa/Brazzaville, the river drops only 115 m over 1740 km as it crosses the cuvette centrale congolaise, a …

The Congo River Basin

The Congo River basin is the second largest river basin in the world, after the Amazon, draining an area approximately the size of western Europe. The tropical forests in the democratic republic of Congo, which accounts for the greatest part of the basin,have asurfacearea of more than 2.0million km2,andthey represent about

Fish of the Congo River

Underwater lifestyles in the Congo River Basin Fish species are not necessarily restricted to one kind of habitat. In fact, many change from one habitat to another during different stages of their lifecycle, for example spawning and feeding. Young may spend their juvenile stage in a flooded zone and migrate to the main part of the river when ...

Congo River

Congo River - People, Economy, Trade: Three types of environments are found, either juxtaposed or in succession, along the river and its tributaries: the narrower sections, bordered by firm ground; the wider stretches, dotted with islands and accompanied by backwaters; and the zones where flooding occurs or where there are extensive …

Hundreds dead as Congo River basin submerged by …

The Congo River has risen to its highest level in more than 60 years, causing flooding throughout the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Congo Republic that has killed more than 300 people ...

The forests of the Green Heart of Africa

The forests of the Congo River Basin stretch from the Ruwenzori Range, on the flanks of the Albertine Rift in eastern DRC, to the Atlantic coast of the Gulf of Guinea. The Ruwenzoris reach 3,000 m and the highest points are permanently snow-capped. Smaller mountain ranges are found around the Gulf of Guinea, such as the Monts de Alen and …

Congo River | Africa's 2nd Longest River, Wildlife …

Its drainage basin, covering an area of 1,335,000 square miles (3,457,000 square km), takes in almost the entire territory of that country, as well as most of the Republic of the Congo, the Central …


Explore key facts about the Congo Basin, the second largest tropical forest and river network on Earth. Discover its diverse ecosystems spanning 240 million hectares in central Africa, supporting local livelihoods and …

The Congo River Basin

The Congo River basin is the second largest river basin in the world, after the Amazon, draining an area approximately the size of western Europe. The tropical forests in the democratic republic of Congo, which accounts for the greatest part of the basin, have a surface area of more than 2.0 million km 2, and they represent about 50 …

How Demand for Twigs Is Bringing Down a Rainforest

In the Congo River Basin, people who collect bundles of wood to make charcoal are playing a surprisingly large role in the deforestation of a region that rivals the Amazon in importance.

Congo Basin Hydrology, Climate, and Biogeochemistry

New scientific discoveries in the Congo Basin as a result of international collaborations The Congo is the world's second largest river basin and home to 120 million people. Understanding the cycling of water, sediments, and nutrients is important as the region faces climatic and anthropogenic change. Congo Basin Hydrology, Climate, and …

Animals of the Congo Basin in Africa

Here, we take a look at some of the iconic species of the Congo Basin and inspect the factors threatening the continued survival of these animals. 7. Cross River Gorilla. With a population of only about …

Congo River and Basin

Congo River and basin The Congo River (also known as the Zaire River) is the third longest river in the world, and the second longest in Africa (after the Nile River in northeastern Africa). Its river basin, one of the most humid in Africa, is also the largest on that continent, covering over 12% of the total land area. Source for information on …

Congo River

Congo River - Rainforest, Flora, Fauna: The Congo basin is home to the second largest rainforest in the world. The equatorial climate that prevails over a significant part of the Congo basin is coextensive with a dense evergreen forest. The Congolese forest spreads out over the central depression, extending continuously from about 4° N …