Health Impacts Of Solid Minerals Exploration

Health Impacts Of Solid Minerals Exploration

Problems and Strategies for Exploration of Solid …

strategies for exploration of solid mineral resources in Nigeria. ... The impact of solid mineral on Nigeria economy has can be grouped as direct and indirect. Solid mineral contribute

Environmental and Health Impact of Solid Mineral …

The extraction of solid minerals has considerable negative impact on the environment ranging from land devastation, mine dumps and pollution of ponds.

Tackling the Crisis in Mineral Exploration

Mineral exploration worldwide is in crisis. Mining companies that shift their focus from productivity to an integrated approach that restores greenfield exploration will come out ahead. ... is an unfolding case study in the macroeconomic effects of exploration failure. The last major discovery of a primary zinc deposit was almost a decade ago ...

Mineral resources depletion, environmental degradation, …

This paper explores the impacts of mineral resource depletion, and environmental degradation on natural resource uses in China from 1971 to 2018, considering the impact of general government final consumption expenditure from the perspective of the post-COVID-19 world. ... Solid, liquid, and gaseous fuel consumption …

(PDF) Problems and Strategies for Exploration of Solid Mineral

II. LITERATURE REVIEW Solid Minerals and Mining Sector's Impact on Related Sectors of the Nigerian Economy The impact of solid mineral on Nigeria economy has can be grouped as direct and indirect. Solid mineral contribute directly to GDP through its exploration and processing.


Environmental and Health Impact of Solid Mineral Exploration and Exploitation in South-Northern Nigeria: A Case Study of Igarra in Edo State. 2014 • ... and in most cases illegal miners using very crude techniques …

Environmental and human health risks of potentially harmful …

The soil pollution status, levels of exposure, and potential ecological and health risks to workers and residents by potentially harmful elements (PHEs) in the …


The abundance of solid minerals in the country has led to massive exploitation in various ways that has brought about dire consequences on environmental resources.


What should be done is for the government, industrial prospectors and environmentalists to take precautionary and remedial measures that can minimize the ill …

Environmental, hydrological, and social impacts of coal and …

Mining and mineral exploration has many effects on the surrounding environment. The present study reviews the hydrological and environmental impacts of coal and nonmetal mining operations by mine lifecycle stages and facility patterns. ... Review of environmental and health impacts of mining in Ghana. J. Heal. Pollut. (2018) …

Strategies and regulatory measures for Combatting illicit …

Mineral resources can be broken down into two broad groups based on their form of expression, which are, solid minerals and liquid fuels. Solid minerals are further broken down into metallic, non-metallic and energy minerals, while liquid fuels comprise oil and gas (Olujobi, et al., 2023), while non-metallic minerals include industrial minerals ...

(PDF) Addressing the Socio-Economic and Community Issues …

Solid mineral exploitation is in stages, and environmental impacts are associated with each stage, from exploration to the last stage. Exploration of solid minerals is at the

Environmental and social impacts of mining and their …

This research article examines the impacts of coal mining on financial, physical, human, natural, and social capitals and how these capitals affect the rural livelihood practices in the Sonepur ...

Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the …

The evidence found highlights a suite of potential knowledge gaps, namely: on early stages prior to operation; effectiveness of mitigation measures; stronger causal …

Environmental and Health Impact of Solid Mineral Exploration

Downloadable! The act of quarrying/mining and the subsequent processing and transporting of these raw materials are greatly hampered by high environmental and health costs. This is observable at the quarry sites, processing factories and the surrounding environments. It is important to state that the environment of the northern part of Edo State has suffered …

Sustainable and responsible development of minerals

Waste generation – Mineral development results in massive amounts of residues, both during extraction and after utilisation, some of which are hazardous to human health. Mineral development also entails other environmental impacts, including air pollution from particulate matter (e.g. mine dust) and gaseous emissions, and noise pollution due ...

Salting the Earth: The Environmental Impact of Oil and …

Tribal leaders say the spill never reached the drinking water plant intake. 2 However, for tribe members on the reservation it raised questions about the potential health impacts of leaks and spills of drilling wastewater—questions that are echoed by environmental health researchers who are calling for a closer look at the waste stream …

Environmental effect of mineral exploitation in Nigeria

The three stages of mineral development, viz exploration, mining and processing, have caused different types of environmental damages, which include ecological disturbance, destruction of natural flora and fauna, pollution of air, land and water, instability of soil and rock masses, landscape degradation and radiation hazards. …

Environmental Aspects of Solid Mineral Resources …

effects in the environment. Excavations and unreclaimed mined lands are capable of causing ... Keywords: Health hazards, Pollution, Remediation, Solid Mineral Resources. International Journal of Advanced Academic Research | Sciences, Technology and Engineering | ISSN: 2488-9849 ... Solid mineral exploration involves a vast number of …

Global site-specific health impacts of fossil energy, steel …

We present the first study to consistently link a broad range of emission measurements for these substances with site-specific technical data, emission models, …

Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the effectiveness of mining

Background Mining activities, including prospecting, exploration, construction, operation, maintenance, expansion, abandonment, decommissioning and repurposing of a mine can impact social and environmental systems in a range of positive and negative, and direct and indirect ways. Mining can yield a range of benefits to …

Technologies in Exploration, Mining, and Processing

Decreasing the number of drill holes, increasing the drilling rate, or reducing the energy requirements for drilling would have a substantial impact on mineral exploration and development costs. In many situations …

Mines: The local wealth and health effects of mineral mining …

We assess health and wealth impacts of mineral mining using micro-data from about 800 mines in 44 developing countries. Gains in asset wealth (0.3 standard …

What is Mineral Exploration: Stages, Methods, Laws

Mineral exploration is regulated by a range of laws and regulations that vary by country and sometimes by region within a country. These laws address a variety of aspects, from the ownership and leasing of mineral rights, environmental impact assessments, health and safety standards, to post-closure land rehabilitation.

Environmental Impacts of Mineral Exploration in Nigeria …

-Mineral exploration and processing have caused varying degree of environmental damage in Nigeria. These include alteration of ecological state, air, water, soil pollution, destruction of soil flora and fauna, loss of vegetation, landscape degradation and radiation emission. Since mineral exploration is still at the developmental state and in the hands …

Sustainable and responsible development of minerals

However, if poorly managed, mineral development can lead to a myriad of negative consequences, including: Significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from …

The environmental implications of the exploration and …

DOI: 10.1016/J.JSM.2018.12.001 Corpus ID: 134059881; The environmental implications of the exploration and exploitation of solid minerals in Nigeria with a special focus on Tin in Jos and Coal in Enugu

Environmental and Health Impact of Solid Mineral …

Environmental impact arising from the mining and processing of industrial rocks and other minerals in this part of Edo State, results in the pollution of air, water or soil materials which interferes with human health, the …

(PDF) Problems and Strategies for Exploration of Solid Mineral

Evidence revealed that mineral resources are available in large quantities and distributed across the country but the strategies for exploration has been the major obstacles to the success in Nigeria.

8 Steps of Mineral Exploration

Early-stage mineral exploration may also include rock and soil sampling, analyzing data from previous exploration, and conducting surface mapping. The purpose of this stage of mineral exploration is to increase confidence about the potential project's viability. It will also identify drill targets if mineral exploration continues past this ...