seismic velocity in iron mines in india

seismic velocity in iron mines in india

Seismicity Pattern, Reference Velocity Model, and …

We present a comprehensive study of seismicity and associated phenomena in south India based on analysis of local earthquakes recorded at 54 …

(PDF) National Seismological Network in India for …

The national network of India has been strengthened over the years and is now capable of estimating the main earthquake source parameters within ∼5–10min with an average of about 8.0 min.

3D Seismic Exploration for Mineral Deposits in …

Over the past decade a limited number of studies have been conducted to investigate the applicability of seismic exploration methods to the mineral industry, among these are the Louvicourt mine (Val d'Or, Quebec; …

Superionic iron alloys and their seismic velocities in Earth's …

Earth's inner core (IC) is less dense than pure iron, indicating the existence of light elements within it 1.Silicon, sulfur, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen have been suggested to be the candidates 2,3, and the properties of iron–light-element alloys have been studied to constrain the IC composition 4–19.Light elements have a substantial influence on the …

Numerical Modelling-Based Stability Analysis of Waste …

The depths of open-pit mines have been increasing in the last few decades. This transformation generates a vast amount of waste rock material per unit mining area imposing a significant economic, social and environmental liability on the mine operators. The scarcity of dumping land along with the rise in population, competing urbanization …

Deep Targeting Iron-Oxide Mineralization Using Reflection Seismic …

Reflection seismic data were acquired within two field campaigns in the Blötberget, Ludvika mining area of central Sweden, for deep imaging of iron‐oxide mineralization that were known to ...

Seismic characterization of the Grängesberg iron deposit and its mining

We have conducted a reflection seismic investigation over the apatite-iron deposit at Grängesberg in central Sweden. ... This study also illustrated the ability of reflection seismic methods to delineate mining-induced structures in hard-rock environments. Low-velocity anomalies from the open pit and adjacent structures were …

Anomalous Seismic Velocity Drop in Iron and Biotite Rich …

Anomalous Seismic Velocity Drop in Iron and Biotite Rich Amphibolite to Granulite Facies Transitional Rocks from Deccan Volcanic Covered 1993 Killari Earthquake Region, Maharashtra (India): a Case ...

Iron Ore and Steel Sector in India

What is Iron Ore? Iron ore refers to rocks and minerals from which metallic iron can be extracted economically. It typically contains iron oxides, and the primary types include hematite, magnetite, and …

Thermal maturity evaluation by sonic log and seismic velocity analysis

Thermal maturity evaluation by sonic log and seismic velocity analysis in parts of Upper Assam Basin, India. Author links open overlay ... India R. K. MALLICK and S. V. RAJU Oil India Limited, Duliajan, Assam 786 602, India (Received 14 August 1995; returned for revision 4 October 1995; accepted 20 November 1995) Abstract …

Sparse 3D reflection seismic survey for deep-targeting iron …

Field photos from the 3D seismic survey (April-May 2019) in the Blötberget mine. The survey was conducted using the 32 t vibrator of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, with 1266 receivers, 414 of which ...

Earthquake monitoring in India: a status report (2019–2023)

Results from 1-D velocity model and relocation of events revealed a steep seismogenic structure which extends up to 8 km depth. Moreover, lower b-value again …

Iron partitioning in a pyrolite mantle and the nature of the …

Moreover, some mineral physics studies suggest that the seismic velocity jump at the 410-km discontinuity is inconsistent with that associated with the α to β transformation in olivine8,9.

seismic velocity in iron mines in goa india

Some methods of predicting rock bursts in underground coal and iron ore mines are evaluated: using BP-18 indenters and the MGD indenter with automatic recording; seismic method consisting in measuring the speed of shock waves travelling through various layers (apparatus SB-20 is designed for use in coal mines); electrometric method (measuring ...

Contributions to Rock Fracture Induced by High Ground …

Rock fracture caused by high stress mining disturbances is a significant concern. Destabilization caused by rock fracture not only diminishes productivity, but …

Neural network analysis and seismic-velocity model …

PDF | On Aug 27, 2018, Triveni Gogoi and others published Neural network analysis and seismic-velocity model building in Upper Assam Basin, India: An aid to reservoir-characterization study | Find ...

Iron ore mines in India: Unearthing India's Iron Wealth

The types of important iron ore mines in India have been categorized into two major parts which are as follows: Haematite. Haеmatitе(one of the iron ore types), also spelled hеmatitе, is a minеral and one of the most common iron ore mines in India map, often referred to as iron(III) oxidе (Fе2O3).


A Guide to Routine Seismic Monitoring in Mines, in A Handbook on Rock Eng. Practice for Tabular Hard Rock Mines Mendecki, et al., ISS International Limited for SIMRAC, Department of Minerals and Energy of SA 5 2. Objectives of Seismic Monitoring in Mines In general, routine seismic monitoring in mines enables the quantification of exposure

Predicting Blast-Induced Ground Vibration in Open-Pit Mines …

To measure ground vibration induced by blasting operations in open-pit mine, peak particle velocity (PPV) is considered a standard criterion for evaluating the intensity of the ground vibration. More than 80% of the energy of explosives is released by generating ground vibrations that spread through the rock and soil to surrounding …

Seismic velocity structure and intraplate seismicity beneath …

Abstract. The northwestern Deccan Volcanic Province (NWDVP) in India has undergone major tectonic changes during the Eocene–Paleocene, when voluminous …

Sparse 3D reflection seismic survey for deep-targeting iron …

Field photos from the 3D seismic survey (April-May 2019) in the Blötberget mine. The survey was conducted using the 32t vibrator of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 1266 receivers of which 414 were ...

Recovering a Legacy of Old Iron Ore Consolidated Fines …

the Study of slope stability of 33.00 Million tonnes of Iron ore dump fines at an iron ore mine in India. The geotechnical study of the present dump slopes as well as a detailed numerical modeling of the proposed pit layout at different stages of mining of the dump …

v115n7a10 Peak particle velocity prediction using …

Golegohar iron ore mine is located in southern Iran, 50 km from Sirjan, in the southwest of Kerman Province. This iron ore complex includes six known orebodies and is one of the largest producers and exporters of iron concentrate in the country. Mining is by open pit methods, and the measured and indicated reserves of over 1.1 billion tons of ...

(PDF) Effect Of Open-Pit Blasting Vibrations on a

Zhu et al. [10] proposed a new method to predict the vibration velocity of multi-hole trenching blasting of laminated rock masses, which can be used for optimizing engineering blasting design and ...

The five largest iron ore mines in operation in India

The surface mine produced an estimated 14.43 mtpa of iron ore in 2023. The mine will operate until 2051. Buy the profile here. 3. Balda Block Iron Mine. The Balda Block Iron Mine is located in Odisha. It is owned by Serajuddin & Co. and produced an estimated 10.22 mtpa of iron ore in 2023. The mine will operate until 2033. Buy the …

The seismic velocity distribution in the vicinity of a mine …

Analysis of the refracted arrivals on a seismic reflection profile recorded along the wall of a tunnel at an iron mine near Thabazimbi, South Africa, shows variations in P-wave velocity in ...

CCI Report On Iron Ore: Types, Distribution, Uses, Mines in India

Iron Ore Sector in India. The Backbone of Industrial Development in India: Iron ore is the basic mineral and the backbone of industrial development. The total reserves of iron ore in the country were about 22,487 million tonnes in the year 2015.; Primary Ore Varieties in India: The two main types of ore found in our country are haematite and …

The Crust-Mantle Interaction of the Qiangtang Terrane: New …

There is high seismic velocity extending to at least ~150 km depth (Ma et al., 2023), and this phenomenon can be explained as the presence of a cold cratonic …

Superionic iron alloys and their seismic velocities in Earth's …

Light elements have a substantial influence on the seismic velocities4–13, the melting temperatures14–17 and the thermal conductivities18,19 of iron alloys. However, the state of the light ...

A guide to routine seismic monitoring in mines

A GUIDE TO ROUTINE SEISMIC MONITORING IN MINES by A J Mendecki, G van Aswegen and P Mountfort ISS International Limited P.O. Box 12063, Die Boord, 7613, RSA [email protected] in "A Handbook on Rock Engineering Practice for Tabular Hard Rock Mines" A J Jager and J A Ryder (eds.) published by Creda Communications, Cape …