small scale mining legislation in ghana

small scale mining legislation in ghana

Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Handbook of Ghana

This Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) Handbook for Ghana is the result of a training session held in Ghana in September 2017 through the sub-program on ASM …

Trends in the small-scale mining of precious minerals in Ghana…

Legalisation of small-scale gold mining in Ghana: a look at some economic aspects. Originally written as Appendix A2.3 to the Main report M&S 8703A on the World Bank sponsored study " The Regularisation of Small-Scale Gold and Diamond Mining in Ghana", conducted by Mackay & Schnellmann Ltd, UK, as Consultants, and the …

Small-scale mining

The Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703) and associated regulations (''the mining laws'') have provisions dealing exclusively with small-scale mining but galamsey operators do not ...

Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Handbook of Ghana

This Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) Handbook for Ghana is the result of a training session held in Ghana in September 2017 through the sub-program on ASM under the overall PanAfGeo project. The ASM sub-program is co-funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General of Development and

Illegal Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana: A Public …

Further research to determine the cause and effect of illegal small-scale mining on the health and well-being of both the miners and the residents in the mining areas. 2. Determine the level of water and food contamination from illegal small-scale gold mining. 3. Determine the best approach to mitigating illegal small-scale mining and

Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Legal Regime in …

Breakdown in most areas of traditional institutions and norms that protected the environment and held natural resources in trust for collective benefits; gaps in the legal framework; bureaucratic inefficiencies in the …

A Contextual Analysis of Implementation Challenges of Small-Scale

The general perception is that implementation of small-scale mining laws to regulate the industry is confronted with a lot of challenges. This study uses a qualitative research method to assess the challenges confronting the implementation of small-scale mining laws in Ghana using the Bekwai Municipality as a case study.

Mining Laws and Regulations Ghana 2025

1.1 What regulates mining law? The key legislation regulating mining in Ghana is as follows: the 1992 Constitution of Ghana; the Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703) as amended by the Minerals and Mining (Amendment) Act, 2015 (Act 900) and the Minerals and Mining (Amendment) Act, 2019 (Act 995); and

How to Acquire A Small Scale Mining Licence In Ghana

Legal and Regulatory Framework for Small-Scale Mining in Ghana. The following legislation has a significant impact on small-scale mining operations in Ghana and contains provisions on the operations of small-scale mining in Ghana. Minerals and Mining Act, 2006 (Act 703) Minerals and Mining (Amendment Act), 2019 (Act 995)

Informal artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) in Ghana

1. Introduction. Informal artisanal and small-scale mining (ASGM) activities continue to have far-reaching consequences on the environment (Adetunde et al., 2014; Macdonald et al., 2015; Duncan, 2020).This activity is characterized by siltation of rivers and streams, loss of vegetative cover and soils, among others, necessitating constant …

Review of Environmental and Health Impacts of Mining in Ghana

History of Mining in Ghana. There is evidence of gold extraction activities in Ghana as far back as the 7th and 8th centuries A.D., as gold deposits attracted Arab traders into the country.7 These activities were strategically located along rivers where sediments believed to contain deposits of gold were washed constantly to separate the …

A Contextual Review of the Ghanaian Small-Scale …

An Overview of Small-scale Mining in Ghana 3 Historical Perspective 3 Geological Setting 4 Socio-economic Impact of Small-scale Mining in Ghana 5 ... alternatives. Moreover, the enactment of relevant legislation and effective legalization of small-scale mining has had a positive impact on the economies of certain developing countries. By ...

(PDF) Spatial Analysis of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in …

Artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) is one of the essential rural non-agricultural livelihood activities in Ghana. However, basic and rudimentary practices and tools associated with ASM activities ...

(PDF) Available Legal Regime and The Use of Mercury for Small-Scale …

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of mercury (Hg) and available laws to regulate its use in the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Community in Ghana.

Total ban on small-scale mining amounts to punishing law

There have been renewed calls on the Government to take urgent steps to end illegal mining after previous schemes to stop it failed. The groups have called on the …

Land, water, and forest degradation in artisanal and small-scale mining …

Ghana maintained 10 administrative regions for more than four decades until a referendum in 2018 resulted in the creation of six additional regions to make a total of 16 administrative regions in the country (Fig. 1).The Ahafo, Ashanti, Bono, Eastern, Central, Western, and Western North regions with evergreen forest and long history of ASM were …

2020 State of the Artisanal and Small- Scale Mining …

mining ASM artisanal and small-scale mining ASM18 International Conference on Artisanaland Small-scale Mining & Quarrying AWIMA Africa Women in Mining Association BGI Better Gold Initiative BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaftenund Rohstofe (Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural …

Sustainable small-scale gold mining in Ghana: setting …

Mining Law, 1989, PNDCL 218, Part III, Section 21, is: The mining of gold by any method not involving substantial expenditure by an individual or group

Ghana lifts ban on small-scale mining

Small-scale mining companies must have permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Minerals Commission and the Water Resource Commission, as well as tax …

Small-Scale Mining in Ghana

Through Insights we provide cutting edge articles on important areas of laws in Ghana of interest to governments, companies and individuals. Lom Ahlijah, Edmund Akrong and Abigail Adikah EN

Public Administration, Governance, and Illegal Small-Scale Mining in Ghana

Osei-Kojo A, Asamoah K, Yeboah-Assiamah E (2016) Implementing small Scale mining laws in Ghana: insights from the prestea Huni Valley District. Administratio Publica 24(3):235–256. Google Scholar Pressman JL, Wildavsky A (1984) Implementation. University of California Press, Los Angeles. Google Scholar

Ghana: on our way to participatory reform in the artisanal and small

IIED's first in a series of local multi-stakeholder dialogues on artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) started in Ghana in autumn 2015. During a 'visioning workshop' on ASM in April 2015, participants from around the world came together to discuss the pressing challenges and opportunities for ASM, and which countries might benefit most from a …

A Geoeconomic Planning and Evaluation Model for Artisanal Small-Scale …

Abstract Gold mining has profound ties to the history of Brazilian colonization and still takes place with many communities involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mining.

Ghana needs to rethink its small-scale mining strategy

Ghana is among the top two gold producers in Africa. What has caught little attention, however, is the fact that more than 35 per cent of total gold output in Ghana comes from artisanal and small-scale miners. Artisanal and small-scale mining is estimated to support the livelihoods of some 4.5 million Ghanaians, about 12 per cent of …

Small-scale Gold Mining Law, 1989 (pndcl 218)

Section 17 - Sale Of Gold; Section 18 - Sale Of Jewellery, Etc; Section 19 - Offences And Punishment ... UNIVERSITY OF GHANA ACT 1961 (ACT 79) 1961: TRUSTEES (INCORPORATION) ACT 1962 (ACT 106) 1962: ... SMALL-SCALE GOLD MINING LAW, 1989 (PNDCL 218) 1989: STUDENT LOANS SCHEME LAW, 1992 (PNDC 276) 1992:


AND SMALL-SCALE MINING PROJECT ... GHANA LANDSCAPE RESTORATION AND SMALL-SCALE MINING PROJECT 2 SECTORAL CONTEXT Ghana, located in the heart of West Africa with a population of 30.8 million people in 2021,1 has ... mining (SSM) in Act defined to mean mining operation oer an area o land in accordance it te numer o locs …


The Small-Scale Gold Mining Law (PNDC Law 218), the Mercury Law (PNDC Law 217) and the Precious Minerals Marketing Corporation Law (PNDC Law 219) were passed in …

Small Scale Licence

Minerals in Ghana; Small Scale Mining; LAWS. Acts; Regulations; Mining Policy; MINE SUPPORT. Local Content; Engineering & Support Services; Trading in Minerals; ... Mineral Licences for Small Scale Companies +233 030 277 1318 +233 030 277 2783. [email protected]. Minerals House #12 Switchback Road

Ghana lifts ban on small-scale mining

On December 17, 2018, Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng, minister of environment, science, technology and innovation, announced the end of a moratorium on small-scale mining after nearly two years. During this period, the government had developed a comprehensive framework to regularise and monitor the industry. Although the ban gave rise to a …

Ghana needs to rethink its small scale mining …

Ghana is among the top two gold producers in Africa. What has caught little attention, however, is the fact that more than 35% of total gold output in Ghana comes from artisanal and small-scale ...