gold refining forum burn plastic in Indonesia

gold refining forum burn plastic in Indonesia

Separating gold flakes and dust from black sand | Gold Refining …

Rinse well. Use and plastic scraper to scrape the vaseline into a glass container and dissolve/dilute the vaseline until it is water thin. the gold will settle to the bottom, decant the solution off. place the gold in a stainless steel bowl, set the acetone soaked powder on fire and burn off the residual evaseline / acetone solution.


There is much talk of burning gold activated carbon. That is very difficult but if first ground and form a pellet in the following proportion can be performed easily. The coal is agglomerated with a mixture of 5 liters of water 600g of sodium nitrate 200g maltodextrin The pellet dry and burn easily Good luck

Non-Chemical approach | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

Beginners Gold Refining Process Forum . Non-Chemical approach. Thread starter In Love With; Start date Aug 12, 2022; Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. ... If you burn plastics, you will get all kinds of toxic and/or cancerous material.

lead /nitric acid | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

Ok, well, I did my first merc burn and was too safe, with to much distance and too much wind and so, I could not see the puff of smoke, my, I over heated the gold, some lead melted adn coated the gold....I have applied nitric as directed by local miners, maybe twice for up to one hour....but, there is a dull, creamy coating on the …

complete noob, gold containing mud (pictures added) | Gold Refining …

Here's an easy test for gold utilizing a torch: Obtain a charcoal block from a jeweler; Hollow a small dip in the charcoal; Place a small sample of the test subject into the hollow; Add a small amount of soda ash (bi-carb of soda can be substituted); Using the tip of the blue part of the flame (reducing flame) melt the soda ash and then the sample with it.

Recovery from gold polish buff

Back when I was involved burning sweeps the finished powder ranged from half an ounce per pound (15 grams gold per 454 grams of sweep) all the way up to in excess of one ounce per pound (31 grams gold per 454 grams of sweep) Coming from India, where the jewelry is often 22 karat, you can expect to be on the higher end of the …

IC chips gold recovery

First off - if you are processing "a good mix" (all types) of ICs you should most certainly get MUCH more the 4 grams gold from 20 kg chips To put it in perspective - if you processed NOTHING BUT 20 kg of PROMS (the very lowest grade of chips) then yes you would only get (about) 4 grams But a true "mix" of chips should give you better …

not CPU)

Stowmaster, that is plastic top BGA:s, no cheramics. Don't mix the tops with the small circuit boards. The gold bond wires are all inside the plastic part with the silicon die. It is easy to rip it off the board before incineration. After the incineration you would have some copper and the gold bond wires mixed in with the ash and silicon dies.

Indonesia Lets Plastic Burning Continue Despite Warning on …

Jakarta, Indonesia The Indonesian government, stung by a report that found burning plastic for fuel is poisoning residents in an East Java village, is allowing …

Prevention of open waste burning – Indonesian …

Nearly half of Indonesia's plastic waste is openly burned. Open burning is the most common waste handling practice in Indonesia. Although this practice is strictly prohibited by law, it is estimated that 47% of the total …

Question about pyrolysis/incineration | Gold Refining

Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. bemate Well-known member. Joined Sep 23, 2016 Messages 72. ... It seems the first step would be to burn off the epoxy and plastic to expose the metal. I do, however, seem to recall someone claiming there …

Typical Refiners Fees and Margins

Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. 1; 2; Next. 1 of 2 Go to page. Go. Next Last. R. RennVin Member Supporting Member. Joined May 16, 2022 Messages 8 Location Telluride, CO. Jun 7, 2022 #1

Incinerating questions

Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. J. JH123 Active member. Joined ... add polyvinyl chloride which can produce HCL and chlorine and other substances like toxic dioxins to this mix from burning plastic or printed circuits, or some other …


Plating's used organic surface protect-ant, immersion silver, immersion tin, electro less nickel, with immersion gold coating, and direct gold plate on nickel over copper or kovar. Tin forms and other metals form metallic's such as Cu5Sn6 and Ag3Cu that dissolve into the Tin as well as lead can dissolve gold at soldering temperature.


Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. Ian S Member. Joined Apr 18, 2024 Messages 16. Apr 18, 2024 #1 Can you guys point me in the right direction on which glassware I need to buy? Lets say budget is open.

How to get the gold out of these?

Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. 1; 2; Next. 1 of 2 Go to page ... but tricky to cut out, thought maybe there was a chemical that would dissolve the plastic on large volume of them? Reply. Yggdrasil Moderator. Staff member. Moderator. Joined Oct ...

Aqua Regia Eating Bottle?

I have recently begun buying scrap gold, jewlery etc. I use a testing kit from my local jewelry supply store. I recently went to take the 22k out and noticed it was leaking. Now a few points to note: 1. I keep the acid bottles in their case while driving and then transfer them to a plastic bag in my pocket once I get to the swap meet/ garage ...

Gold in Arsenopyrite

Hi-I have some gold ore (that I can get a LOT more of) that is roomered to contain 16+oz of gold per ton. Im getting an assay, but until then I would like to know a good way recoverying the gold out of the ore if it proves to be worth while based on the assay. It is arsenopyrite, It contains arsenic, Iron, Gold, and cobalt to my understanding.


Poor sorting results in smelting lower grades of copper with metals like lead which are a nuisance metal in the copper refining process and they are a reason copper smelters will charge you extra when these metals are in the mix. So assuming we all have the sorting process down pat, we end up with boards and components which we need to …

Nitric acid burn safety

Nitric acid burn safety. Thread starter aflacglobal; Start date Jun 20, 2007; Help Support Gold Refining Forum: This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. ... (chemist), told a story of a gal that was burned by conc sulphuric when she picked up a plastic jug by the handle, and the …


Burning plastics can result in loss of values, if I have understood it correctly. Pyrolize and incinerate is the way to go. Quote:"Hello guys, after i burned the plastic shells to get the gold plated pins out" You …

New ram IC chips processing? | Page 5 | Gold Refining

If the ICs are not fully pyrolysed, you will see funky flames dancing above the material, smoke and you will strongly smell burning plastic. Incineration is the "harder" part because the pyrolysed material does not burn very well. It's like the comparison between hard coal and charcoal.

gold extraction from fine carbon

The leaching isn't a problem now, burning the carbon is my problem. Burning in the retort gives me 30% ash and 70% non burned carbon and isn't a good way. I lose ash when i use burning by the direct flame in a kiln and I have to use cyclone and bag filter after the kiln also i have to scrub the mercury. this is a complicated process design.

Mercury Exposure and Health Problems in Urban Artisanal Gold …

The gold workers conducting amalgamation, burning amalgam, and refining gold doré were categorized as being directly exposed to mercury, while those …

Problem getting my gold dust out of my filter | Gold Refining …

Hi ! You never have to filter gold you get from the process that you did! Disolve the foils in a beaker,when the chlorine is gone, drop it in the same beaker. after the powder drops siphon or carefuly pour off the solution, You only filter the pour-off to catch any gold that poured off by accident, the gold powder stays in that same beaker, like …

When In Doubt, Cement It Out _cementation_ | Gold Refining …

Important lessons learned: There is a reason that Hoke uses many simple examples to demonstrate refining. Working with unknow materials, e.g. plastic plates, adds significant complexity to the recovery and refining of metal. Read the Forum Regularly and Frequently. Something unimportant I read 3 months ago suddenly …

Plastic waste from Western countries is poisoning …

Indonesia has become a dumping ground for plastic from Australia, Europe and North America. The waste is burned as fuel by …

Dissolving PCB or Incinerate?

They use ozone (o3) fired furnace to burn the plastics from the dismatnled components and use dilute sulfuric acid to dissolve base metals, and dissolve the remaining undissolved metals copper, silver, gold and palladium in AR, finally use electrowinnig cell to plate copper, gold, silver and palladium.

incineration of plated pins WITH their plastic casing | Gold …

Indonesia. Oct 25, 2016. #2. Consider pyrolysis (instead of incineration). Info here on the forum, on the Web and on YouTube. F.

Processing old transistors. | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

Hello, I processed about 400 grams of transistors, as attached, in diluted aqua regia. Everything went into solution as expected and solution was brown. I added about 100 ml extra aqua regia.. Just in case. I removed the nitric with Urea until solution was quiet and free of nitric. Stannous was...