aggregate basalt coarse

aggregate basalt coarse

Mechanical and stress-strain behavior of basalt fiber …

DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.119888 Corpus ID: 224980454; Mechanical and stress-strain behavior of basalt fiber reinforced rubberized recycled coarse aggregate concrete @article{Chen2020MechanicalAS, title={Mechanical and stress-strain behavior of basalt fiber reinforced rubberized recycled coarse aggregate concrete}, author={Aijiu Chen …

Experimental study on the fly ash-basalt fiber reinforced …

DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2024.103652 Corpus ID: 270306365; Experimental study on the fly ash-basalt fiber reinforced recycled coarse aggregate pervious concrete @article{Li2024ExperimentalSO, title={Experimental study on the fly ash-basalt fiber reinforced recycled coarse aggregate pervious concrete}, author={Kunpeng Li and Jiale …

Experimental Study on the Use of Basalt …

This study aims to produce the HSSCC series by using basalt and waste marble aggregates in certain volumetric ratios instead of limestone-based crushed stone used as coarse aggregate in...

Compressive stress–strain relationship and its variability of …

Basalt fiber reinforced recycled aggregate concrete (BFRAC) is a high-performance, environmentally friendly material that combines lightweight, high-strength …

Evaluation of Properties of Asphalt Concrete Mixture Using …

Jang and Choi conducted quality tests such as aggregate stability, aggregate abrasion resistance, and aggregate crushability tests, as well as component …


basalt aggregate is required to include no organic materials and clay lumps and also be "non-plastic". Therefore, ... consists of 50% coarse aggregate and 50% fine aggregate in weight. The selected aggregate gradation was in accordance with the General Directory of Turkish Highway (GDTH) recommended gradation for granular base layers. ...

Improving bond strength of recycled coarse aggregate …

This paper investigates theoretically and experimentally the influence of using basalt fiber (BF) on bond strength of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) concrete. The natural aggregate (NA) was replaced by RCA with 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 %, and 100 %. BF was added with three different percentages.


Basalt. Coarse Aggregate. Compressive Strength ABSTRACT. This present research was on the comparison of the efficacious use of basalt and granite as coarse aggregates in concrete work. In order to obtain the basis for comparison, physical and structural tests were conducted on the different materials of the concrete and the …


This present research was on the comparison of the efficacious use of basalt and granite as coarse aggregates in concrete work. In order to obtain the basis for comparison, physical and structural ...

Chemical aspects of the application of basalt in cement …

In its natural state, depending on its grain size, it can play a role of a pozzolanic active component or coarse aggregate. Basalt can also be used as concrete reinforcing material of different shapes and sizes, such as fibers, ropes, fabrics, or rods/bars. This Section summarizes the current state of research on the application of …

Improving bond strength of recycled coarse aggregate …

DOI: 10.1016/j.cscm.2022.e01449 Corpus ID: 252094282; Improving bond strength of recycled coarse aggregate concrete using chopped basalt fibers @article{Shatarat2022ImprovingBS, title={Improving bond strength of recycled coarse aggregate concrete using chopped basalt fibers}, author={Nasim Shatarat and Hasan …


Material River Fine Coarse Aggregate (Basalt) Coarse Aggregate (Granite) Specific Gravity, (Gs) 2.75 2.8 2.9 From the given Table, basalt has shown that it has more strength than granite and is a ...

Basalt Aggregate as Coarse Aggregate in High Strength …

As basalt aggregate is a natural aggregate also available in plenty at low cost, an economical and relatively high strength concrete is obtained by using basalt aggregate as coarse aggregate in concrete mixes. Coarse aggregate replacement with 25% basalt to increase in Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength .

Effect of Coarse Aggregate Characteristics on Skid …

This study determined the effect of coarse aggregate types and nominal maximum aggregate size (NMAS) on the skid resistance deterioration of an UTWC. Different types of stone mastic asphalt (SMA), which are used in three kinds of coarse aggregates (diabase, limestone, and basalt) and three kinds of NMAS coarse …

The Use of Basalt-Hamadallah Al-Baijat

form, basalt also finds use as aggregate in concrete. Crushed basalt aggregates are dense fine-grained rocks ... Basalt (Fine) Basalt (Coarse) Limestone (Fine) Limestone (Coarse) Specific Gravity (Apparent) 2.943 2.917 2.673 2.626 Specific Gravity (SSD) 2.843 2.814 2.605 2.552

Effect of coarse basalt aggregates on the properties of …

The coarse basalt aggregate has limited reducing effect on the mechanical strength of UHPC. The optimal powder content of about 800 kg/m³ and 700 kg/m³ is found for UHPC when the maximum basalt ...

Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Aggregate Production in

The production of aggregate for the infrastructural development of the country has been increasing for the last three decades due to the high urbanization rates in the main cities of the country and the ever-growing demand for basic infrastructural facilities. The environmental impact of both fine and coarse aggregate production is …

Difference Between Fine and Coarse Aggregate

The voids between the coarse aggregate are filled up by fine aggregate. Coarse aggregate acts as inert filler material for concrete. 7: Uses: Fine aggregates are used in mortar, plaster, concrete, filling of road pavement layers, etc. Coarse aggregates are mainly used in concrete, railway track ballast, etc.

Influence of Coarse Aggregates and Silica Fume on the …

However, the specimens made with basalt coarse aggregate presented comparable results to those made with granite and quartzite aggregates. For instance, the pulse velocity values for CB specimens were 3281, 3632, 4677, and 4723 m/s after 3, 7, 28, and 56 days of curing, respectively. The specimens made with quartzite demonstrated …

Experimental study on the fly ash-basalt fiber reinforced …

To improve the poor mechanical properties of the previous concrete cast with a recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) replacement ratio, fly ash (FA) is used to partially replace the cement and basalt fiber (BF) is added to enhance the properties of RCA pervious concrete (RCAPC).

Mechanical and stress-strain behavior of basalt fiber …

The results indicate that the effects of recycled coarse aggregates, rubber particles and basalt fibers on the properties of concrete are significant. Compared with normal concrete, rubberized recycled concrete with 10% rubber particles and 40% recycled coarse aggregates has lower strength and better deformation performance.

Study on the influence of microcracks of coarse aggregate …

Study on the influence of microcracks of coarse aggregate with specific particle size on crushing strength Download PDF. Zhaocheng Li 1, Baowen Liu 1, Dongdong Han 1 ... In this study, basalt particles with good texture were used, and the particle size was 19–26.5 mm. Because the shape of the original particles has a …

Experimental Study on the Use of Basalt Aggregate in …

coarse aggregate of 20 mm size and 40% coarse aggregate of 10mm size. Fine aggregate confines to zone-I. 4.2 Casting and Curing Two different sets of specimens are prepared using design mixes M40 and M50 for each set respectively. In each 40set, the specimens are casted by varying the percentage of replacement of coarse aggregate …

Effect of coarse basalt aggregates on the properties of …

The effect of coarse basalt aggregate size and resulting powder content change are evaluated. Furthermore, the mineral admixture effect, interaction between aggregate and steel fibre are analysed and discussed. The results show that the optimal proportion of powder is 5% of micro-silica and 20% of limestone powder by mass of the …

Mechanical performance and structural application of a …

This work proposes a new type of UHPSSC, which incorporates basalt fibers to enhance the tensile property and coarse aggregate (CA) to improve the modulus. To …


m20& m25 with granite stone with basalt in coarse aggregate. A major appeal of concrete mix design is that structure can become very strong in strength and design for the long life as com pare to ...

Proposed models for concrete thermal expansion with different aggregate

The Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) for concrete is one of the most important parameters that affect the fire performance of concrete. Concrete's coefficient of thermal expansion is controlled by the CTE of each component of the concrete mix, as the coarse aggregates represent the largest portion in the concrete mix, it is considered to …

(PDF) Investigating the Effects of Coarse Aggregate

Tests were carried out to study the effect of the coarse aggregate type on the compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, fracture energy, characteristic length, and elastic modulus of ...


Material River Fine Coarse Aggregate (Basalt) Coarse Aggregate (Granite) Specific Gravity, (Gs) 2.75 2.8 2.9 From the given Table, basalt has shown that it has more strength than granite and is a better coarse aggregate material.

Engineering properties of basalt aggregates in terms of use …

In the mixtures, basalt was used as coarse aggregate, while different combinations of basalt and limestone were used as fine aggregates and filler. As a …