what are the hazards of phosphogypsum in Oman

what are the hazards of phosphogypsum in Oman

Phosphogypsum | US EPA

Phosphogypsum is a solid waste byproduct from processing phosphate ore to make phosphoric acid that is later used in fertilizer. Phosphogypsum contains radium, …

The chemical behavior of the different impurities …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is an acidic by-product that is created during the production of phosphoric acid using the sulfuric acid route. The management of PG poses a significant environmental …

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The issue has drawn attention, at least in part, because phosphogypsum includes radioactive elements. It is stored in huge stacks. Opposition to phosphogypsum in roads. Opponents raised questions about the potential hazards of using phosphogypsum, including whether it could harm people working on roads and …

Radiological characterization of phosphate rocks, phosphogypsum …

Radiological characterization of phosphate rocks, phosphogypsum, phosphoric acid and phosphate fertilizers in Morocco: An assessment of the radiological hazard impact on the environment ... vegetation, milk, etc. Radiological hazards can be controlled by following protective measures; (a) training of the mineworkers regarding …

The Influence of Disused ZSM-5 on the Performance of Phosphogypsum

Zeolite Socony Mobil-5 (ZSM-5) is a commonly spent catalyst in the petrochemical industry; and phosphogypsum (PG) is a kind of industrial waste produced in the process of phosphoric acid production. The environmental issues caused by these two solid wastes are urgent and thus sustainable methodologies are required to dispose of …

Phosphate, phosphoric acid and phosphogypsum natural …

The concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K maintained in phosphate rock (PR), phosphoric acid (PA) and phosphogypsum (PG) samples and its possible radiation hazards, have been measured. The radionuclides in phosphate rock have been redistributed unsymmetrically between phosphoric acid and phosphogypsum during …

The leaching characteristics of common toxic elements in …

Abstract. Phosphogypsum (PG) is an acid by-product from the production phosphate fertilizers that is produced in large amounts all over the world. However, it is …

Efficiency of the use of neutralized phosphogypsum, …

DOI: 10.1002/tqem.21707 Corpus ID: 225159492; Efficiency of the use of neutralized phosphogypsum, phosphorite processing waste, in agriculture @article{Efremova2020EfficiencyOT, title={Efficiency of the use of neutralized phosphogypsum, phosphorite processing waste, in agriculture}, author={Saniya Y. …

Recycling phosphogypsum in road construction materials …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a major hazardous by-product of the phosphate industry. The whole world is facing the challenge of increasing stockpiles of PG, which significantly affect safety and the environment. ... discuss the radiological hazards of PG, and analyse the current status of PG applications and research in highway engineering. …

Exploring the potential reuse of phosphogypsum: A waste or …

However, there should be a greater focus on investigating the speciation of trace elements to determine the mechanism by which they are retained within the crystal …

A review on the environmental impact of phosphogypsum and …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a solid by-product generated in the production of phosphoric acid (PA) using conventional synthesis methods. The raw material, about 50 times more radioactive as compared to unperturbed soils, is dissolved in diluted sulfuric acid (70%) forming PG and PA. The majority of both, reactive hazardous elements and natural ...

Guest Op/Ed: Phosphogypsum and Radiation

The long term economic, environmental, and health impacts of this have not been fully realized. Phosphogypsum has been banned in all uses since 1992 because it causes cancer. ... The EPA and DEP lack adequate regulations needed to protect the public and the environment from hazards associated with gypsum stacks and dispersal of …

Application of phosphogypsum in soilization: a review

Phosphogypsum is the most significant industrial solid waste in the world. Phosphogypsum has a complex composition and its traditional storage methods occupy large areas of land and also damage the environment. Currently, phosphogypsum is mainly used for the direct preparation of construction materials and chemical auxiliary …

Materials | Free Full-Text | Review of the State of Impurity

A variety of co-existing impurities in phosphogypsum limit its large-scale and high-value utilization. This paper summarizes the common contents of major impurity components (silicon and phosphorus) and trace impurity components (fluorine, iron, aluminum, and carbon) in phosphogypsum and discusses the harm of impurity …

Potential uses of phosphogypsum: A review

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of the phosphate fertilizer industry that is produced during the phosphoric acid production process. Annual global PG production ranges between 100 to 300 Mt, with only 15% of that utilized while the rest is usually placed on large dumps with potential serious human and environmental impacts. …

Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of phosphogypsum …

Phosphoric acid manufacturing generates large amounts of phosphogypsum (PG); a by-product generally disposed in the surface or evacuated in the seawater without any pretreatment. Phosphogypsum may host non-negligible amounts of valuable elements such as rare earth elements (REEs), which are critical elements on …

Phosphogypsum: potential uses and problems – …

Phosphogypsum, a by-product in phosphoric acid manufacturing process, produced in bulk quantity especially from the fertilizer industry, typically used as a supplementary fertilizer for soil ...

The treatment of phosphogypsum leachate is more urgent …

Phosphogypsum(PG) is one of the typical bulk industrial solid wastes generated in the phosphate chemical industry. Due to its huge production volume and immature resource treatment technology, a large amount of PG can only be stored and disposed in slag yards, and its impact on the ecological environment is becoming increasingly significant during …

Phosphogypsum: potential uses and problems – a …

PG, discharged into the sea, watercourses or in wilderness stocks, contains toxic elements harmful to ecosystems and human health, including heavy metals and radionuclides, and there is therefore a …

The chemical behavior of the different impurities present in

Abstract Phosphogypsum (PG) is an acidic by-product that is created during the production of phosphoric acid using the sulfuric acid route. The management of PG poses a significant environmental challenge worldwide due to its large quantity and chemical composition. While PG primarily consists of calcium sulfate dihydrate, it also …

Phosphogypsum: potential uses and problems – a review

Abstract. Phosphogypsum (PG: CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) is a waste product generated by the phosphate industry. World production of this waste exceeds 200 million tonnes per year. PG, discharged into the sea, watercourses or in wilderness stocks, contains toxic elements harmful to ecosystems and human health, including heavy …

Phosphogypsum production and utilization in China

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a radioactive industrial by-product produced in large quantities when processing phosphate ores into fertilizers. With rapid growth of high concentration phosphate and compound fertilizers production in China, PG production is increasing every year. Phosphogypsum is usually stored in such a way that it not only …

From Grave to Cradle: Treatment, Resource Recycling, and …

Phosphogypsum (PG) wastes, including solid-state PG and liquid-state PG leachate, are industrial byproducts generated during the production of phosphoric acid. It …

Evaluation of the Influence of Phosphogypsum-Based …

Phosphogypsum is a waste from the phosphorus chemical industry which has certain environmental hazards. Using it as a substitute for building materials was thought to alleviate the problems of phosphogypsum pollution and natural mineral consumption. This study tried to develop an environmentally friendly phosphogypsum …

Radiological characterization of phosphate rocks, phosphogypsum …

Radiological characterization of radionuclides contained in the phosphate rocks, phosphogypsum, phosphoric acid, and phosphates fertilizers (DAP, NPS, NPK, TSP, and TAP) in Morocco have been performed to provide a database for the assessment of the environmental and the radiological impacts.The measurements of the activity …

The application of phosphogypsum in …

Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of phosphoric acid production and according to the Waste Management Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for 2007 - 2015 (Official Gazette 85/07, 126/10, …

Evaluating radiation risks and resource opportunities …

Phosphogypsum (PG) accumulates during wet-phosphoric acid production for fertilizers. In the Philippines, PG is partly (40%) utilized to produce gypsum walls and cement. This work assesses the radiological risks and resource opportunities associated with PG stacks in the Philippines. The conducted in situ radiometric survey measured …

A review on the environmental impact of phosphogypsum …

In addition to these scientific aspects, this review is also aimed at decision makers of the civil communities as the occurrence and transport of NPs pose serious health hazards for humans on a global scale.

Radioactive nuclides in phosphogypsum from the lowveld …

We evaluated the suitability of phosphogypsum from the Lowveld region of South Africa (LSA), for the manufacturing of building materials, with reference to (1) the National Nuclear Regulator Act 47 of 1999 and (2) the radioactivity associated risks as quantified in terms of the external and internal hazard indices, the activity concentration …

EPA Approves Use of Phosphogypsum in Road Construction

WASHINGTON (October 14, 2020) — Today, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler approved a request from The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) to allow phosphogypsum to be used in government road construction projects. "Allowing the reuse of phosphogypsum shows EPA's commitment to working with industry in a way that …