telpe grinding machine

telpe grinding machine

Ritchey Mirror Grinding Machine

George Willis Ritchey built this mirror grinding machine at the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, in the late 1890s. Under the sponsorship of George Ellery Hale, the machine was used to grind a series of telpe mirrors starting with a 60-inch mirror for a telpe initially intended for the Yerkes Observatory. The grinding ...

Grinding an 8″ F/10 Telpe Mirror – …

Grinding an 8″ F/10 Telpe Mirror. For this project (my first time ever grinding a mirror) I ordered an 8″ Black Vitrified Ceramic (BVC) blank without a pregenerated curve from ASM Products in Ste …

Eye to the Telpe

Eye to the Telpe Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association. Description. Speculative poetry is poetry which falls within the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural horror, plus some related genres such as magic realism, metafiction, and fabulation. ... The Submission Grinder is brought to you by Diabolical Plots, science ...

tut44 Making A Mirror Grinding Tool

telpe was the only way to get an affordable large aperture telpe. Back in the day, owning your own 10" telpe was huge. Today, with the low-cost imported telpes, making your own telpe may not save you any money, but you definitely can build your own telpe, and almost any homemade telpe will

The 4 Best Telpes for Beginners of 2024

The Celestron NexStar 5SE—our pick for the best amateur telpe—is a Schmidt-Cassegrain scope, which means it uses both lenses and mirrors in a relatively compact package. This telpe has ...

Mirror O Matic

We didn't want to spend to many hours grinding on a mirror. We started grinding early '80 and made 'a few' mirrors/telpes. So we decided to work on more complex systems like for example a Schupmann telpe. But first we wanted to build a Stevick-Paul. A Gregorian telpe was already finished and awaits a coating session...

Leonardo Mirror Grinding Machine

One of his lesser-known inventions was a mirror grinding machine, which was designed to produce parabolic mirrors for use in optical devices such as telpes. Leonardo's design was based on the principles of physics and geometry, and demonstrated his mastery of the scientific and mathematical knowledge of his time.

Grinding Machine for Large Telpe Mirrors

Grinding Machine for Large Telpe Mirrors. I designed and built a grinding machine for mirrors up to 42 inches [1.1m] in diameter. By slipping on and off a couple of belts, the machine can quickly be …

Grind and Polish a Dobsonian/Newtonian …

Making a telpe about 10 years ago was one of the most rewarding projects I've ever undertaken. I ground the mirror and made every other component out of recycled materials as much as possible. This …

How is it possible to get accuracy in the nm?

Page 1 of 2 - Grinding your own mirror - How is it possible to get accuracy in the nm? - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: So I have read forum questions & answers on topics such as whether it is possible to use a 3D printer to design and print out a telpe mirror, or design an array of paraboloids this way for a segmented design, and the answers …

Telpe: History and Invention

Mirror Grinding Machine, designed by Leonardo da Vinci. The oldest drawing of the telpe is from a 1609 letter sent by Italian scholar Giovanni Battista Della Porta (1535-1615). Della Porta later …

Making a homemade mirror grinding machine

I made two turntables: a 22 inch and an 18 inch. The larger one is for grinding and polishing mirrors and is also used at higher speeds to centrifugally cast …

Mel Bartels' Amateur Telpe Making

I finished my 20 inch fully computerized telpe in 1994 with which I took some early CCD images. My Dobson era begin in 1981 with a bang: a 24 inch f5.5. I built my first grinding machine and worked on 20 inch f/4, …

Theories on designing a robotic mirror grinder.

Theories on designing a robotic mirror grinder. - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: So I have been thinking and doing some preliminary design work on a robotic telpe grinding machine with the intent to grind a 12 inch parabolic primary mirror for a telpe I intend to build. I have been trying to understand the mechanics …

Grind and Polish a Dobsonian/Newtonian …

A variety of grinding grits and polish grits, also available at the supplier linked above. It is best and easiest and cheapest to get a kit that is for your diameter of telpe mirror, 6", 8", 10", 12" etc. are common sizes and …

Mirror-o-Matic and fixed position tool grinding

I plan on using a Mirror-o-Matic type grinding machine soon. The fixed position technique Mark Cowan uses is one I’m very interested in. Mark has spoken about this to me and on this forum, as …

Best Price Telpe Store

Celestron Telpes - Binocular - Dome - Observatory - Mount- Spotting scope - Reflector - Refractor - astronomers telpe astronomy

Build your own telpe part 1: The mirror

The theory behind grinding is that you can remove glass as long as you use a material with a higher hardness. Telpe makers use silicon carbide powders (a.k.a. carborundum) …

Constructing a Grinding Machine for large apertures

Given how interested I am on the subject (prospective Astronomy major), I thought it would do me good to start with building a telpe grinding machine to allow me the capability to create …

Mike Lockwood Telpe Making Mirror Making

Telpe Making *TELPES PAGE* How I got started in ATM Optical Equipment Pitch tester, Strain testing setup, Mirror test stands, Spherometers, Slitless Foucault testers, Interference test setup, Small grinding machine, Large grinding machine Optical Articles, Tables, etc. Figuring with a full-size lap Oblate spheres and how to fix them

Telpe Mirror Grinding Machines | Crusher Mills, Cone …

CNC telpe mirror grinder. – Largest … It has a 12 inch diameter mirror. While the telpe looks expensive because of its size … few by hand, not to say I know anything about machine grinding.

Constructing a Grinding Machine for large apertures

Page 1 of 2 - Constructing a Grinding Machine for large apertures - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: Ive been using a 4.5 equatorial from Orion for many years now and Ive finally got the time and money to build a telpe from the ground up. Unfortunately my local astronomy club has no-one with experience with ATM-ing. Given …

Telpe Making Links

Telpe Drives Dob Driver Dob Driver Installation Stellarcat Mel Bartel's Computer Operated Telpes Poncet Equatorial Table A Low Profile Equatorial Table An Evolved Poncet Platform Cylindrical Bearing …

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Explore how telpe mirrors are made

To start, a new mirror blank is "sanded" down to create a precise parabolic curve in a process called grinding. To do that, the blank is paired with a device called a grinding tool, usually...

Amateur Telpe Making Main Page

There are a lot of misconceptions about making a mirror - read this even if you don't plan to make a mirror, but just want to know how it is done - with your bare hands and a few simple tools, you can grind and figure a fine mirror with a surface accurate to a few millionths of an inch! Telpe …

Ritchey Mirror Grinding Machine

George Willis Ritchey built this mirror grinding machine at the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, in the late 1890s. Under the sponsorship of George Ellery Hale, the machine was used to grind a …

Hand Grinding a Telpe Mirror

This is how you make a telpe mirror out of a hunk of glass: Use a sand mixture and another piece of glass to grind away the middle of a concave shape. Repeat with finer and finer grit sand. Dave Barosso demonstrates the technique, but to do it yourself, try to visit one of the Telpe Makers Workshop's classes on Friday nights …

Mirror O Matic

We didn't want to spend to many hours grinding on a mirror. We started grinding early '80 and made 'a few' mirrors/telpes. So we decided to work on more complex systems like for example a …

Manually grinding a lens

Page 1 of 2 - Manually grinding a lens - posted in ATM, Optics and DIY Forum: Hello, I'll start to grind a lens with a photographer friend who wanted after years of photography to make one himself to get a feel of the process. The first one will be made in a schott mirror blank, 102mm/15mm thick, and will be plano-convex. We don't expect it to …