cement plant gypsum yaad in Mexico

cement plant gypsum yaad in Mexico

Cement in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia had an installed cement capacity of 85Mt/yr in 2023 with 17 players that operate 22 active cement plants. In 2022, the most recent year for which full information is available, total production was 52.6Mt/yr, indicating a capacity utilisation rate of just over 60%. ... Gypsum is sourced locally and its supply is not a constraint ...


Main producer of cement boards, sold in Mexico, Central and South America. Supermastick PR Leader in the production of gypsum board compounds in the Colombian market.

White cement review

Above - Table 1: Global white cement capacity by country.Source: Research performed for the Global Cement Directory 2015. Note: The white cement production capacities of seven dual-stream cement plants are unknown and are as such not accounted for. In countries like Kuwait, where one dual-stream cement plant …

Scarcity of Domestic Gypsum Supply

The Indian cement manufacturers are likely to face serious challenges regarding gypsum availability and cost in the near future. Ramachandran, Chief Executive Officer, Zawawi Minerals LLC, Sultanate of Oman, discusses how identifying and ensuring a consistent supply of gypsum will become an on-going challenge. The Indian cement …


Grupo Promax is a Mexican, private, diversified business group primarily engaged in the production and marketing of construction gypsum, gypsum board, construction …

Mexican cement production grows by 24% to 56Mt in 2020

Mexico: Cement production in Mexico grew by 24% year-on-year to 56Mt in 2020. This was its highest figure in the last five years, according to BNamericas. Data …

Holcim Mexico launches Fuerte Más reduced-CO2 cement

Mexico: Holcim Mexico has commenced production of its Fuerte Más reduced-CO 2 cement at its cement plants in Macuspana and Tabasco at a combined rate of 60,000t/yr. The cement offers 50% reduced CO 2 emissions and 10% higher physical performance than ordinary Portland cement (OPC). The El Economista newspaper has …


Grupo Promax is a Mexican, private, diversified business group primarily engaged in the production and marketing of construction gypsum, gypsum board, construction materials, as well as zinc derivatives and recycled paper. The largest manufacturer of construction gypsum and industrial gypsum in Mexico.

Mexican cement production grows by 24% to 56Mt in 2020

Mexico: Cement production in Mexico grew by 24% year-on-year to 56Mt in 2020. This was its highest figure in the last five years, according to BNamericas. Data from INEGI, Mexico's national institute of statistics, shows that production in January 2021 grew by 14.5% year-on-year to 4.2Mt.

Cemex Mexico to install hydrogen injection technology at four cement plants

Mexico: Cemex Mexico plans to install hydrogen injection systems at four cement plants across Mexico. The producer will use the technology to increase alternative fuel (AF) substitution at the plants by 8 - 10%. A 40% reduction in Scope 3 purchased fuel emissions forms part of Cemex's 2020 - 2030 CO 2 emissions reduction strategy. …

The La Cruz Azul Group in Mexico successfully invests in …

In 2016, Loesche supplied the Tepezalá cement plant of the customer Cycna, which belongs to the Cooperativa La Cruz Azul, S.C.L. with a complete cement grinding plant with a Loesche mill of the type LM 46.2+2 CS, which …

Cooperativa Cruz Azul to build new cement plant in Campeche

Mexico: Cooperativa Cruz Azul has announced the upcoming construction of a new cement plant in Seybaplaya, Campeche, with an investment exceeding …

The Cement Plant Operations Handbook

Materials analysis –19. Plant capacity summary – 20. Storage capacity 15. Cement plant construction and valuation 244 1. New plant construction – 2. Project management – 3. Cement plant investment costs – 4. Project phases – 5. Plant valuation Section B – Process calculations and miscellaneous data B1. Power 262 1.

Tibet Tianlu to build US$154m cement plant in Lhasa

China: Tibet Tianlu has signed a contract worth US$154m to build an integrated cement plant in Lhasa, Tibet. The civil engineering company said in a statement to the Shanghai Stock Exchange that it will build the 4000t/day plant in partnership with the Tibetan Building Materials Company.

Two coal/petcoke grinding plants for Mexico

Loesche has now sold two of its biggest coal/petcoke grinding mills for the cement industry in Mexico. These are to be used in the cement plants of the group Cooperativa La Cruz Azul, S.C.L. – on the one hand in the plant in the province of Hidalgo, 80 km north of Mexico City, and on the other in the Lagunas plant in the province of Oaxaca in …

Holcim cement plant is already operating in …

Mérida, Yucatán, (June 24, 2021).- With a private investment of more than 815 million pesos and the generation of 455 jobs, this Wednesday 23th, the new grinding plant of the cement company...

Qassim Cement to build new production line at Buraydah cement plant

Saudi Arabia: Qassim Cement plans to build a new 10,000t/day production line at its Buraydah cement plant to replace some of the site's existing lines. Construction will begin in the first half of 2022. The company will announce the cost of the project after completing preliminary studies.

Industrial Minerals

New Mexico produces 7 different types of cement at a total estimated capacity of 500,000 short tons/year of cement from the Tijeras cement plant operated by Grupos Cementos de Chihuahua (GCC) near …

Gypsum Demand and Supply Scenario in India

Though gypsum accounts for just 2-3 per cent of the total cost of cement sales, Indian cement manufacturers are likely to face issues regarding its availability and cost in the near future. Identifying and ensuring a consistent supply of gypsum has become a challenge for cement producers. Ramachandran elaborates on the gypsum demand …

Who will build the cement plants of tomorrow?

Lafarge France, for example, did not appear to publicly name the involvement of Sinoma International Engineering and its subsidiaries on the construction of a new line at its Martres-Tolosane cement plant between 2019 and 2022, although Lafarge Poland did say in 2020 that it had contracted China Triumph International Engineering …

Construction ready to start on Sinoma and Hengya Cement plant …

Tanzania: The Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC) says construction of a new 7Mt/yr cement plant by China's Sinoma and Hengya Cement is due to start soon. TIC executive director Geoffrey Mwambe said that the government body had provided all the necessary incentives for the US$1bn project, according to the Citizen newspaper.

GCC to invest US$500m in North America by 2024

Mexico/US: GCC plans to invest US$500m over the next three years to the end of 2024 on increasing its production capacity and strengthening its logistics and distribution network in North America. New projects in development include the expansion of a cement plant, debottlenecking at the integrated Samalayuca plant in Mexico, the …

Holcim Mexico opens new cement grinding plant in Yucatán

Mexico: Holcim subsidiary Holcim Mexico has inaugurated its new 650,000t/yr cement grinding plant at Umán in Yucatán. The cost of the project was …

Country Report: The Cement Industry in Mexico

In Mexico, the cement industry is still concentrated in a group of six companies that dominate the national market today: Cemex, Grupo Cementos Chihuahua, Cemento Moctezuma, Holcim-Apasco, Cruz …

Update on Mexico, March 2023

It has since dropped a little to mid-2022 and then started to trend upwards again. The nominal cement production capacity in Mexico is 60Mt/yr according to the Global Cement Directory 2023. Yet, the actual production capacity has been reported in local press as being 42Mt/yr, lower than the annual cement production of 43.9Mt in 2022.

FCI Aravali Gypsum and Minerals India to build new white cement plant …

India: FCI Aravali Gypsum and Minerals India plans to start operations at its new 0.3Mt/yr white cement plant to be built at Nohra Dhar, Sirmour district in Himachal Pradesh by 2022. A memorandum of understanding has been signed between Aravali and the state government, according to the Press Trust of India. The project has an …

Mexican cement producers anticipate modest growth in 2024

The National Cement Chamber forecasts a 2% rise in cement consumption in 2024, reaching 46.4Mt. Cement producers are adjusting strategies, with Cemex focusing on European markets and Holcim investing in plant expansions in Mexico, including a US$55m investment in its Macuspana plant in Tabasco.

Cemengal Plug&Grind unit starts production at CIMAF cement plant …

Gabon: A new 0.35Mt/yr production line has started production at Ciments d'Afrique's (CIMAF) Owendo grinding plant. Spain-based Cemengal supplied a 50t/hr Plug&Grind X-treme grinding plant for the project. Successful commissioning and start-up of the unit was managed remotely from Madrid in Spain due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Cement in the USA

The US$750m deal saw the transfer of the Harleyville, South Carolina and Roberta, Alabama cement plants, a cement grinding station in Altanta, Georgia, cement terminals and ready-mix units. In the final quarter of 2011 Lafarge reported North American cement sales of Euro320m, 1% down on the same period of 2010 (Euro324m).


Spain: The regional government's Ministry of Development and Environment has renewed the Emas System for environmental management at the Toral de los Vados cement plant. Initially joining the Emas system in 2018 along with 30 other companies in the region, now only 17 maintain the certification. To maintain this …