dewdney mountain farms quarry

dewdney mountain farms quarry

Trent Lakes residents claim victory in battle …

Eastman and other residents fought against a proposal by Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. for a 432-acre limestone quarry on Ledge Road. More than 500 residents took part in several rallies and...

Stop The Quarry

Here we go again! Dewdney back on the agenda June 21st. Mr. Ritchie is ready to roll with new updated road improvements and just forgiving any noise...

Bobcaygeon area residents taking final stand against mega quarry

The group who call themselves "Citizens for Responsible Aggregate Development" say the Dewdney Mountain Quarry will irrevocably change the Bobcaygeon area and not for the better. ... When the full loads are hauled through the City of Kawartha Lakes on Highway 36 they will be running alongside the farm vehicles and Mennonite …

Residents to celebrate defeat of proposed mega quarry near …

The quarry, owned by Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. of Elmvale, is located on Ledge Road, just north of Bobcaygeon. Residents opposed to it fought for two years …

It was in Bobcaygeon the MNR revealed itself, one mega …

For years now residents in the Kawartha Lakes Region have been fighting yet another quarry proposal in their backyard. The current proposal from Dewdney …

Stop The Quarry

Dewdney Mountain Farms is presenting a proposal to Council on February 6/2018. The Ontario Municipal Board will resume on February 21/2018 at the Municipalities 'Council... Stop The Quarry - Hey all, just an update.

Ontario Land Tribunal Tribunal ontarien de …

Description: ZBL to permit a quarry use and associated uses on the subject lands Reference Number: ZBA 20-14 Property Address: 543 Ledge Road Municipality/UT: Municipality of Trent Lakes OLT Case No: OLT-23-000354 OLT Case Name: Dewdney Mountain Farms Limited v. Trent Lakes (Municipality) MEMORANDUM OF ORAL …

Bobcaygeon area residents taking last stand against mega quarry

The group who call themselves "Citizens for Responsible Aggregate Development" say the Dewdney Mountain Quarry will irrevocably change the Bobcaygeon area and not for the better. ... When the full loads are hauled through the City of Kawartha Lakes on Highway 36 they will be running alongside the farm vehicles and Mennonite …

Stop The Quarry

RE: Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd., Lot 28 and Part if Lots 29 and 30 concession 15, Harvey Ward Applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendments. Please attend this Galway... Stop The Quarry - Greetings!


The Council of the Municipality of Trent Lakes will hold a Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. A delegation will be received from Dewdney Mountain Farms regarding a proposed Haul Route for the Dewdney Mountain Farms Quarry. This meeting is open to the public. Citizens are invited to observe the

Stop the Quarry: Dewdney Caves

Furthermore, MNR staff was contacted on this matter and indicated that the MNR has accepted the geology /hydro geology studies prepared in support of the Dewdney Farms quarry application without providing information or consideration to the endangered species protection act on this issue of caves and bats in the area.

Stop The Quarry

The Dewdney Mountain Farms quarry opposition has launched an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) With the upcoming OLT hearing, Trent Lakes Concerned Citizens have engaged their legal counsel and several …

Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd

Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. (c/o Paul Ritchie) has applied for a Class "A" licence, Category 4 (Quarry above Water) to excavate consolidated aggregate material from a limestone quarry of 175.0 hectares in size. This application is to establish a new quarry. The annual tonnage condition applied for is unlimited tonnage.

Dewdney Mountain Farm gives up fight for mega quarry …

Dewdney Mountain Farm gives up fight for mega quarry near Bobcaygeon. KAWARTHA LAKES-Ruth Pillsworth was ecstatic to learn the owners of a proposed new …

Bobcaygeon area residents taking last stand against mega quarry …

Pillsworth is one of about 11 residents who are in the middle of a "David and Goliath" battle to stop a mega quarry from coming to the area. The group who call themselves "Citizens for Responsible Aggregate Development" say the Dewdney Mountain Quarry will irrevocably change the Bobcaygeon area and not for the better. "Am I going to ...

Dewdney Mountain Farms | News, Videos & Articles

Dewdney Mountain Farms. Trent Lakes residents claim victory in battle against mega quarry proposal. A request to rezone land in Trent Lakes for a large …

It was in Bobcaygeon the MNR revealed itself, one mega quarry …

The current proposal from Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. is for a 432 acre quarry, Class A, Category 4, and concrete plant just outside of Bobcaygeon. To put this into perspective, this is the size of approximately 327 football fields in a small area of the province that already has 18 other limestone quarries.

Dewdney Mountain Farms Quarry Details

OMB Quarry Appeal. Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. received municipal approval in 2012 for a 432 acre, Class A, Category 4, quarry and concrete plant just outside of Bobcaygeon. The Citizens for Responsible Aggregate Development (CFRAD) launched an appeal.

Haul Road Dewdney Mountain Farms 12

Note: Minimum separation distance between quarry floor and the water table shall be maintained at 2.0 metres Note: Minimum separation distance between quarry floor and the water table shall be maintained at 2.0 metres 4. Aug 19 2014 Revisions as shown at OMB hearing 543 Ledge Road Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. Trent Lakes, Ontario, K0M 1A0

Quarry opponents win appeal, halting mega …

The Dewdney Mountain Farm Quarry would be located on Ledge Road. Ledge Road is a meandering, country road with a canopy of trees overhead and plenty of wildlife and a proposed number of up to 61 …

dewdney mountain farms quarry

The current proposal from Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. is for a 432 acre quarry, Class A, Category 4, and concrete plant just outside of Bobcaygeon. To put this into perspective, this is the size of approximately 327 football fields in a small area of the province that …

Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires …

Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. David S. White Municipality of Trent Lakes M. John Ewart and Courtney O'Dwyer Ontario Municipal Board ... approximately 175 ha, as a limestone quarry ("proposed quarry"). [5] In order to develop the proposed quarry, two discrete steps are …

Homeowners Coalition Stops Mega Quarry Haul Route On …

December 6, 2022. Land for Dewdney Mountain Farms. KAWARTHA LAKES-A determined group of homeowners in Trent Lakes has blocked a mega quarry haul route …

Stop The Quarry

Closed session agenda with " Dewdney Mountain Farms" on Feb 16 @ 5:00 pm. Just an FYI. Thank you for all of your support!

Dewdney Mountain Farms

The Municipality has received an application from Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. (DMF) to rezone lands located at 543 Ledge Road in Lot 28 and Part of Lots 29 and 30, Concession 15 (Harvey) for the purpose of establishing a Class A – Category 4 License (Quarry above Water). The subject lands have a lot area of approximately 175 hectares

Dewdney Mountain Farms Quarry Appeals Trent Lakes …

The group has been fighting a quarry on their small country road for 11 year. KAWARTHA LAKES-Trent Lakes Concerned Citizens say it's a nightmare that never ends. The group has been fighting a quarry on their small country road for 11 years and has already spent more than $400,000 of their own money. "It is obvious the community doesn't ...


Re: Dewdney Mountain Farms Limited – Zoning By-law Amendment Application . We are legal counsel for residents of the Municipality. We have previously acted and continue to act in relation to the above-noted matter. We write today regarding significant concerns related to the conduct of Mayor Janet Clarkson.


Assessment Report For the Proposed Dewdney Mountain Farms Quarry 'No Mitigation' Opti on" report prepared by Hugh Williamson Associates Inc. dated May 25, 2020. • On October 6, 2021 Aercoustics concluded " that the noise impact from this haul route with the mitigation strategy as outlined in the 2020 report is acceptable

Dewdney Mountain Farms Quarry Details

Dewdney Mountain Farms Ltd. received municipal approval in 2012 for a 432 acre, Class A, Category 4, quarry and concrete plant just outside of Bobcaygeon. The Citizens for …

Dewdney Mountain Farms | News, Videos & Articles

Dewdney Mountain Farms Trent Lakes residents claim victory in battle against mega quarry proposal A request to rezone land in Trent Lakes for a large quarry just north of Bobcaygeon has been ...