bentonite clay in iron ore

bentonite clay in iron ore

ABI, INC. | American Bentonite International, Inc.

The main uses of sodium bentonite are for fresh water drilling mud (oil/gas, water well and horizontal directional drilling), binder (e.g. foundry-sand bond, iron ore pelletizer), absorbent (pet litter), groundwater barrier (pond lining and gas collection) and industrial applications (viscosity builder and suspension agent).

Bentonite binders for castings and iron ore pellets

Sodium bentonite clay for foundry, foundries, and iron ore pelletizing (IOP) shipped in bulk for coal blending or direct use. Toggle Primary Navigation. Agriculture. Back; Agriculture; ... Bentonite Performance Minerals has 2 bentonite mining and processing facilities that produce over 1,000,000 tons annually. 2 Plants Served by 2 Rail Roads ...

Improving the Properties of Magnetite Green Pellets with a …

1. Introduction. The binder is an important additive widely applied in pelletizing iron ore concentrates, making iron ore pellets available as feedstocks for blast furnace ironmaking or direct reduction processes [1,2,3].Bentonite clay, due to its excellent effectiveness and relatively low cost, has been the predominant binder for pellet …


PDF | On Oct 1, 2017, Adrian Villanueva and others published BASF NOVEL IRON ORE BINDER TECHNOLOGY: STUDY OF BENTONITE MODIFICATION | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Process Development Essential to Bentonite Processing Operations

Other types of bentonite include sulfur bentonite and potassium bentonite. Bentonite Clay Applications. Bentonite's unique properties have become a cornerstone of several applications: Binder in Iron Ore Pelletizing. Bentonite is the most commonly employed binder in the iron ore pelletizing, or "balling" process used in the production of ...

The material composition and characteristics of bentonite …

The bentonite clays used in the production of iron ore pellets at metallurgical plants of Russia and Ukraine are analyzed. According to the composition of the exchange complexes, clay is divided ...

Can fly-ash extend bentonite binder for iron ore …

Strengths of dry iron ore pellets at varying mixtures of fly-ash (F) and bentonite (B) with and without calcium hydroxide addition. In this plot, bentonite with no …

Iron Ore Pelletizing

High-Quality Sodium Bentonite is widely used to turn iron ore fines into pellets that can be transported to the kiln NATIONAL® STANDARD PG National Standard PG natural sodium bentonite is an excellent low-cost option for use as an inorganic binder in production of iron ore pellets.


Bentonite has been used as a binder for taconite, a low-grade iron ore. The taconite is ground finely, mixed with bentonite to make pellets or balls, and then briefly sintered in kilns to give the pellets a hard surface. The pellets can then be easily handled and shipped to steel mills. ... 1 Unconfined Clay. Bentonite was suspended in 0.1 ...

BENTONITE Indian Minerals Yearbook 2020

bentonite is used in iron ore pelletisation. Sodium-based bentonite of 75 micron size finds suitability in iron ore pelletisation for bonding by user industries. Bentonite clay is also used in pyrotechnics to make end plugs and rocket engine nozzles. Bentonite has remarkable colloidal and waterproofing properties. Bentonite gels are used as


The binding of iron oxide grains by bentonite clay to form pellets is a complex process, with a large number of variables, many of which have never been adequately studied. Current practice for pelletizing iron ore concentrates was developed in 1950's during which bentonite clay was practiced as a binder and since then it has remained

Clays Statistics and Information | U.S. Geological Survey

Major domestic markets for these clays are as follows: sanitaryware and ceramic tile for ball clays; absorbents, drilling mud, foundry sand bonding agent, and iron ore pelletizing for bentonite; brick, lightweight aggregate, and portland cement clinker for common clay and shale; refractories for fire clay; absorbents for fuller's earth; and ...

Chapter 6 Bentonite Applications

Sodium bentonite is used to pelletize iron ore (Devaney, 1956). Finely pulverized iron ore concentrates are pelletized into marble-sized spheres about 2.5 cm …

Minerals of Alabama

Different kinds of clay mined in Alabama include bentonite, fireclay, common clay, shale, and kaolin. Clays are generally made up of hydrous aluminum silicates combined in varying proportions. ... Iron Ore Minerals. Irondale Ore Mine Red iron ore from the Red Mountain Formation has been mined in Bibb, Blount, Cherokee, …

Wyoming State Geological Survey

Wyoming bentonite consists of hydrous silicate of alumina, commonly referred to as montmorillonite clay. Also known as sodium bentonite, Wyoming bentonite is high-swelling sodium montmorillonite clay, of which its end market percent uses are: kitty litter (25 percent), drilling mud (20 percent), binder in foundry molds (19 percent), iron ore ...

A review of binders in iron ore pelletization

Although bentonite clay is the most commonly used binder, there are many other possibilities that could be competitive in a number of situations. This article reviews the numerous types of binders (both organic and inorganic) that have been considered for iron ore pelletization, including discussion of the binding mechanisms, advantages and ...

Review of organic binders for iron ore concentrate agglomeration …

Low-grade iron ores are finely ground and processed to recover iron-bearing minerals. However, the iron-rich powder is too fine to be used directly in blast furnaces and most direct reduction furnaces, and must be agglomerated or pelletized into a usable product called "pellets." Bentonite clay has traditionally been used as a binder to make …

Pacific Bentonite Ltd.

Bentonite Clay . BBentonite, a form which has both swelling and absorptive properties, is a very versatile substance with a variety of individual applications. Applications include, but are not limited to: use in the pelletizing of iron ore; castings for foundry products; pet litter, absorbents; additives for oil and gas drilling fluids

Bentonite for iron-ore pelletizing | Bentonite

While interacting with the water, bentonite clay expands and becomes sticky. This property allows to effectively use it as a binder for the production of pellets from iron ore concentrate (wet, crushed iron ore that has been beneficiated).. Pellets are used in blast-furnace redistribution and electrometallurgical production.


Bentonite clay is the most widely used binder for iron ore pelletising as it can achieve both functions (Kawatra and Claremboux, 2022b). However, it is an inorganic compound that primarily ...

How to Dry, Grind and Granulate Your Bentonite Clay?

4 main uses of bentonite clay Bentonite clay in the foundry industry Bentonite clay is a high-quality foundry sand binder. Bentonite binders are cost-effective, environmental solutions since the majority of the sand and binder can be reused in a cyclical system. Bentonite clay in iron ore pelletizing Bentonite clay is used as a …

Bentonite clay: 11 benefits and uses

Bentonite clay is a natural clay with a fine, soft texture that forms a paste when mixed with water. Some people use this paste for medical or cosmetic purposes, including treating rashes and acne.

Effects of bentonite fiber formation in iron ore pelletization

In the production of iron ore concentrate pellets, binders are required to improve pellet green strength. The most popular binder for this purpose is bentonite clay, which is added at a rate of ...

Chapter 6 Bentonite Applications

Calcium bentonite has a higher green strength, lower dry strength, lower hot strength, and better flowability than sodium bentonite. Methods of testing sand–clay mixtures are outlined in publications of the American Foundrymen's Society (Anonymous, 1963). 3. Pelletizing iron ore. Sodium bentonite is used to pelletize iron ore (Devaney, …

Microstructure of Bentonite in Iron Ore Green Pellets

Sodium-activated calcium bentonite is used as a binder in iron ore pellets and is known to increase strength of both wet and dry iron ore green pellets. In this article, the microstructure of bentonite in magnetite pellets is revealed for the first time using scanning electron microscopy. ... and cryogenic methods (i.e., high pressure freezing ...

Advances in Alternative Binders for Iron Ore Pellets

Bentonite clay, polyacrylamide and pregelled cornstarch contents, and induration temperature were adjusted to control the abrasion resistance of laboratory iron ore pellets. AI were observed to ...

Can fly-ash extend bentonite binder for iron ore …

⋅ Iron ore pelletization with bentonite binder works by a different binding mechanism than with FBB. Bentonite is a physical binder, while FBB is a pozzolanic binder. ⋅ Iron ore concentrate pellets produced with up to 50% of the bentonite replaced by fly-ash exceeded minimum industrial specifications for dry compressive strength.

Iron Ore Pelletization: Part I. Fundamentals | Request PDF

However, as the disadvantages of contaminants (such as silica and alumina) in bentonite clay affect the quality of fired iron ore pellets, many researchers have placed particular emphasis on ...

Microstructure of Bentonite in Iron Ore Green Pellets

The microstructure of bentonite in magnetite pellets is revealed for the first time using scanning electron microscopy and it is shown that clay tactoids were very well dispersed and formed a voluminous network occupying the space available between mineral particles. Abstract Sodium-activated calcium bentonite is used as a binder in …

Bentonite clay | Earth Sciences Museum

Bentonite clay is an aluminum phyllosilicate, which consists mostly of the mineral montomorilonite. It has the incredible ability to increase as much as 14 times its original volume. ... Iron ore pelletizing Sealants (reservoirs and landfills) Crayons Absorbent Toxic waste cleanup Medications Moulding Sand Binder ...