Uncharted Ps Vita Crushing

Uncharted Ps Vita Crushing


Difficulty is a recurring game mechanic in the Uncharted series. At the start of each playthrough, the player must select a difficulty level, which affects how much damage the player character, typically Nathan Drake, deals, takes and the level of hit points he has. Other additional changes include enabling of aim assist on the lowest difficulty, and …

Platinum Trophy Guide

There are 56 Trophies in Uncharted: Golden Abyss: 1 Platinum 2 Gold, 5 Silver and 47 Bronze. ... Beating the game on Hard also unlocks Crushing, allowing you to play the game again and unlock ...

Chapter 15

I also got this issue when I was redoing the game on crushing, and restarted the checkpoint many times with no luck. Just to confirm I restarted the entire …

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Trophy Guide

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection Trophy Roadmap. Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10; Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30-40 hours (including all trophies in The Lost Legacy, which you need for Don't Ruin The Moment to unlock Platinum in Uncharted 4. About 20-30h for Uncharted 4 and 10-20h for The Lost Legacy). Offline …

Uncharted: Golden Abyss PS Vita Cheats

Unlockables Crushing Mode - Beat the game on Hard difficulty to unlock Crushing difficulty. Trophies Unlockable How to Unlock 100 Headshots (Bronze) Defeat 100 enemies with headshots. 200 Kills ...

Best Loadouts for Crushing 3 Stars Trophy?

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End ; Uncharted 4: Survival ; Best Loadouts for Crushing 3 Stars Trophy? Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. ... I've been using those but on crushing it just doesn't seem like it's worth it since one M14 headshot doesn't kill enemies and I have to hit them again with or without deadeye plus the bosses seem to only take …

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

This is a written/visual guide on how to complete Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on the game's hardest difficulty i.e Crushing. It is impossible to 'become lost' in this game, purely because it has a linear …

Uncharted: Golden Abyss Trophy Guide & Road Map

Patch 1.03. Patch 1.02 made Crushing easier but also added some unwanted things. Kills are no longer cumulative by restarting checkpoints. If you are playing the game and it …

Customer Reviews: Uncharted: Golden Abyss PS …

Best Buy has honest and unbiased customer reviews for Uncharted: Golden Abyss - PS Vita. Read helpful reviews from our customers.

Who We are – pscpk

Our company is Pakistan based having mining area of 800 Acre & state of the art Italian Tech crushing Plant with a capacity of 300 Ton/Hour, located at mineral-rich district of Thatta determined to provide a wide range of …

The Best Uncharted Games

There are two main ways to look at Uncharted: Golden Abyss: it's significance as a PS Vita game, and it's relevance within the larger Uncharted universe. As a launch …


PLATINUM ASPHALT & CRUSHING COMPANY LTD - company information, business information, directors/partners and contact details.

Vita Cheats

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Uncharted: Golden Abyss for PlayStation Vita. If you've discovered a

Uncharted: Golden Abyss patch 1.02 available now

A new patch for Uncharted: Golden Abyss has been released by Sony Bend. As expected by gamers, this new patch brings some much needed improvements and fixes. According to the details in the changelog, the patch brings improvements to black market, improved network connections or adjust the levels...


Crushing was poorly done in this Uncharted game. Trust me I have played all 4 so far, and this is by far the worst when it comes to doing things you have no control over i.e. Ch. 11.... Link to comment ... All PS Vita Games ; U (Vita) Uncharted: Golden Abyss ; Wow the QUICK TIME EVENTS ON CRUSHING ARE BROKEN!! Uncharted: …

Comprehensive list of skips/glitches to make Crushing easier

But for people like me who found Hard to be hard enough, and the game to simply not be that enjoyable, here is a (more or less) complete list of glitches and skips …