petrolium coke hardness

petrolium coke hardness

Calcined Petroleum Coke With High Hardness

As one of the leading calcined petroleum coke with high hardness manufacturers and suppliers in China, we warmly welcome you to buy high-grade calcined petroleum coke with high hardness made in China here from our factory. All our products are with high quality and low price. For quotation, contact us now.

What Is Petcoke Used For? | McCreath Labs

Petroleum coke, or Petcoke, is a solid, carbon-rich material similar to coal but with different properties. It is derived from oil refining, and it's a byproduct produced during the cracking process. Petcoke can be used for different purposes based on its characteristics.

Analysis and Characterization of High-Volatile …

correlate well with the expected hardness and particle strength of the coke. In general, the lower the green coke volatile level, the harder is the coke and the more anisotropic. As isotropic coke ... High-volatile coke is delayed petroleum coke with a high percentage of volatile matter content. It is one of the main types of .

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Petroleum Cokes …

If it becomes wet, it will form a hard and difficult-to-remove solid that is commonly referred to as "damp coke." While damp coke can be difficult to remove, it …

Petroleum Coke Types, Uses and Specifications

Specifications of Petroleum Coke. Petroleum coke (petcoke) specifications vary depending on the intended use of the product and the type of petcoke being produced. Some of the most common …

What is Petroleum Coke or Petcoke? Its Types, Applications, …

Petroleum Coke: Petcoke generally has a higher energy content (calorific value) compared to coal on a per-unit-mass basis. Coal: The energy content of coal can vary depending on its type and grade. 5. Applications: Petroleum Coke: Petcoke is often used as a fuel source in power plants, cement kilns, and industrial processes. It is also utilized ...

Guidance Document for the Storage and Handling of …

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on operating and maintenance practices for the storage and handling of petroleum coke (petcoke). In particular, …

Managing Green Petroleum Coke Properties Variations …

Differences in fines fraction and hardness of cokes from rotary kilns and shaft calciners can also drive additional ... petroleum coke (CPC) from different green petroleum coke sources (GPC). Based on sulfur content, these cokes being blended to achieve *2.5% Sulphur in CPC. Blending


to variations in coke hardness. Line AB on figure 1 represents the trend in minus 1/8-inch screenings over the range of tumbler stability. Screening values within 2 percent of the trend line are bounded by lined CD and EF. There are 13 points plotted above line CD, in- dicating that these cokes produced a higher percentage of fines than the ...

Co-gasification of petroleum coke and biomass

Petroleum coke (petcoke) is a by-product produced from heavy crude oil residues by thermal cracking processes – delayed or fluid coking (Fig. 1).Bayram et al. [4] reported that from 1 tonne of crude oil approximately 31 kg of petcoke is produced. Petroleum coke is a black solid material consisting of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons …

Petroleum Coke

Petroleum Coke is a fuel item distilled from Heavy Oil Residue. As the AWESOME Sink does not accept fluids, converting Heavy Oil Residue into Coke is one way to sink it, solving the fluid deadlock problem in the early petrochemical setup. It was formerly used in the production of Aluminum Scrap without alternate recipes. It can be burned in the Coal …

Petroleum coke, Petcoke classifications — DYM Resources

The quality of petroleum coke varies depending on its chemical properties, including sulfur, ash, and metal content, as well as its physical properties, such as structure, hardness, and size. Importantly, the quality of the petcoke produced at each refinery is heavily influenced by the specific feedstock used, primarily the type of crude oil ...

Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is a hard solid petroleum product in black or dark gray, and is characterized by metallic luster and porosity. It is carbon-shaped stuff composed of tiny graphite crystals formed into granules, columns or needles. The composition of petroleum coke is hydrocarbons, containing 90-97% carbon, 1.5-8% hydrogen, and elements such …


Green petroleum coke has a low potential to cause adverse effect on the terrestrial environment. Human Health Effects: Humans can be exposed to petroleum coke primarily via the dermal and inhalation routes. The majority of the existing animal toxicity studies have been conducted on green coke which has a

Petroleum Coke: A Comprehensive Guide to …

Hardness: There are two distinct varieties of petcoke: calcined and uncalcined. Calcined petcoke is more complex and denser than regular petcoke due to its increased carbon concentration. Sulfur …

Managing Green Petroleum Coke Properties Variations on

Managing Green Petroleum Coke Properties Variations on Prebaked Anodes Quality in Aluminium Bahrain "Alba" Conference paper; First Online: 09 February 2023 pp 1107–1116


Petroleum coke (petcoke) is the gray-to-black solid carbonaceous residue left by the destructive distillation of petroleum residua. Carbon has two natural crystalline allotropic forms: graphite and diamond. Each has its own distinct crystal structure and properties. Carbon black consists of planes of carbon atoms fused together randomly to …


Calcined petroleum coke (CPC) has improved properties compared to raw petroleum coke, including higher hardness and corrosion resistance, as well as other practical properties. In addition to the aluminum industry, calcined petroleum coke (CPC) is also used in other industries, including steel, blacksmithing, chemical, and detergent industries.

Study on physical-chemical properties of …

The lattice spacing c0 of Polyvinylchloride coke prepared at 680°C, petroleum coke based carbon calcined at 1100°C and glassy carbon prepared at 700°C was found to change very rapidly around ...

Typical Values for the Density of Petroleum Coke.

The paper includes the results of studies of the temperature effect in the range of 480-510 °C at an excess pressure of 0.35 MPa, as well as the effect of excess pressure from 0.15 to 0.55 MPa at ...

Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is a solid by-product of petroleum refining and is used in the production of carbon electrodes for the aluminum industry, graphite electrodes for steel making, as …

Standard Test Method for Hardgrove Grindability Index …

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the hardgrove grindability index (HGI) of those petroleum cokes that contain no dedusting additive. The procedure for this test method is the same as in Test Method D409.Sections of this test method contain the significance and use of the HGI of petroleum coke, preliminary sample preparation …

Calcinations of Petroleum coke

Petroleum coke is a process that involves steps such as thermal decomposition, polymerizationion and condensation. ... controlled to insure adequate hardness of the green coke

Petcoke Fact Sheet

Uses of Petroleum Coke • Petroleum coke is typically used as a source of energy, or as a source of carbon for industrial application. • Fuel grade petcoke represents nearly 80 percent of worldwide petcoke production and is a source of fuel for cement kilns and electric power plants.

Impact of Feed Properties and Operating Parameters on …

Petroleum Coke General Properties: Volatile Combustible Matter (VCM) VCM is unconverted pitch. Target 12% Max, fuel coke 9% to 10%. 14% VCM is very high; Coke …

Petroleum Coke

Petroleum Coke. Petroleum coke is a carbonaceous product obtained in the oil refining process. It is abbreviated as Coke or Petcoke, and is a carbon-rich solid material derived from final cracking process — a thermo-based chemical engineering process that splits long chain hydrocarbons of petroleum into shorter chains— that takes place in coker units.

Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is a carbonization product of high-boiling hydrocarbon fractions obtained in petroleum processing (heavy residues). It is the general term for all special petroleum …

Coke, Carbon Black, and Graphite

Petroleum coke (petcoke) is the gray-to-black solid carbonaceous residue left by the destructive distillation of petroleum residua. Carbon has two natural crystalline allotropic forms: graphite ...


Petroleum coke, or petcoke, is a product produced from all types of oil (light/heavy crudes) during the oil refining process. Many different products are extracted from a barrel of …

PetCoke & Fuel Testing Lab | McCreath Laboratories

How Our Petcoke Analysis Works . Typical analyses of fuel grade petroleum coke are similar to that of coal and either presented in the form of a proximate analysis (moisture, ash volatile matter and fixed carbon) or as an ultimate analysis (ash, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur). Trace metal components are dependent upon the grade of …