chamber of mines lesotho

chamber of mines lesotho

Lesotho : Government minister Lebona Lephema to take …

Lephema, a leading figure in Lesotho's ruling RFP party and head of a business conglomerate, is to buy Lucapa Diamonds' majority interest in the highly attractive mine. - 7/3/2024. ... The Chamber of Mines is dead set against the new tax regime parliament is about to ratify. It includes a sharp increase in taxes for the mining industry.

Lesotho Diamond transport monopoly challenged in Maseru

Lesotho Chamber of Mines rebels against new tax regime. The Chamber of Mines is dead set against the new tax regime parliament is about to ratify. It includes a sharp increase in taxes for the mining industry. …

MIASA welcomes Lesotho Chamber of Mines as a member

February 5, 2020. The Mining Industry Association of Southern Africa (MIASA) welcomed the Lesotho Chamber of Mines to their association at its first biannual meeting of the …

CoMCert | Chamber of Mines Certificates

Minerals Council Chamber of Mines Certificates were introduced to standardise standalone inhouse certifications for people working in the South African mining and minerals industries. All exams written by the Survey, Sampling, Ventilation, and Rock Mechanics disciplines are organized and administered by the Minerals Council.


and also mines not drawing on Chamber of Mines employment channels. 21ncludes all mines whether or not affiliated with Chamber of Mines. 3Minimum earnings per shift have increased from the RO.50 pre-vailing 1/1/73, to RO.72 by 1/12/73, to R1.20 on 1/6/74, to R1.60 on 1/12/74, to R2.20 on 1/6/75 (van der Wiel, 1977, p. 69). This was fol-


Creating value for our members Learn More Learn More Transparency & Good Governance Learn More Sustainable Mining for A Better Future ICMI/Ghana Chamber of Mines Cyanide Management Workshop in Accra Date: 8th-9th October 2024 Venue: Alisa Hotel, North Ridge, Accra RegistrationUse the link below for more information, rates, and …

Lesotho Political instability gives diamond miners a breather …

Chamber of Mines to the rescue. The industry's main lever of influence within government, the Lesotho Chamber of Mines, is chaired by Mohale Ralikariki, the CEO …

Minerals Council South Africa

Roger Baxter joined the Minerals Council (then Chamber of Mines of South Africa) in 1992 and was appointed CEO in 2015. He has 27 years of high-level advocacy and strategy experience in the business and mining sectors, within a working career of 30 years.

Malawi Chamber of Mines and Energy

Mr. Grain Wyson Phillip Malunga. Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining P.O. Box 20679 Lilongwe 2 Malawi Tel: +265111921932 / +265111929819

Chamber of Mines boss calls for exploration and …

The Chamber of Mines boss called on policymakers and development experts to sit down with mining companies early in the process to integrate mining operations into community development plans.

Irregular royalty payments hurt local planning

The CEO of the Ghana Chamber of Mines, Sulemanu Koney, has highlighted the frustrations faced by district and municipal assemblies due to irregular and unpredictable royalty payments from the ...


Mission. The Ministry of Mining is committed to explore and disseminate information on mineral resources, regulate and manage prospecting and mining activities to develop the mining sector in partnership with our …

Veston Malango – Chamberofmines

Mr. Veston Malango is the Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of Mines of Namibia. He is a Mining Engineer with a M.Sc. Degree (1985) from the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany and a qualified Gemmologist with Diplomas (1993) in Diamond Grading and in Coloured Gemstones from the German Gemmological Training …


The Chamber of Mines of the Philippines is a member of the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) of the Philippines – Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PH-EITI). The MSG leads the …

About the Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe

The Chamber of mines of Zimbabwe (COMZ) is a private sector voluntary organization established in 1939 by an Act of Parliament. We are a membership-based organisation whose members include mining companies, suppliers of machinery, spare parts, and chemicals, service providers including banks, insurance companies, consulting …

Botswana Chamber of Mines (BCM) : Industry Spotlight

Q&A: BOTSWANA CHAMBER OF MINES. Botswana Chamber of Mines (BCM) was founded in 1984 out of the need to interact and network over issues of health and safety within the country's mines. This was when the country's mining industry was still in its infancy, and the need of such an organisation to drive these objectives was apparent.

Membership and Affiliations

TCM is a member of the Mining Industry Association of Southern Africa (MIASA), which is an apex body of Chambers of Mines of 11 countries in the SADC region. These countries are; Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania.


The Chamber of Mines Zimbabwe (COMZ) is a private sector voluntary organization established in 1939 by an Act of Parliament. The members include mining companies, suppliers of machinery, spare parts, and chemicals, service providers including banks, insurance companies, consulting engineers, and various mining related professional …

Kingdom of Lesotho v Swissbourgh Diamond Mines …

Finally, approval by the King of Lesotho. 11 In June 1988at the conclusion of the above, -mentioned process, the King of Lesotho granted Swissbourgh's applications for the Mining Leases . On 26 October 1988, the Kingdom's Registrar of Deeds in Maseru registered the Mining Leases. However, the Kingdom subsequently claimed to discover, after


Similarly, the Chairperson of the Lesotho Chamber of Mines Mr. Matooane Thinyane stated that despite the challenges of lack of markets and exposure to the global inflation, Lesotho mines are growing towards a …

Tanzania Chambers Of Mines

Tanzania Chambers Of Mines. Menu. Home (current) About Us . ... South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Botswana Malawi Namibia Lesotho DRC Congo Madagascar. Media . Events Gallery FAQ. ... Tanzania Chamber of Mines; Manara Road Plot No. 8,Ada Estate; P.O Box 13369, Dar es Salaam ; [email protected]

Zambia Chamber of Mines to promote investment …

Zambia's mining sector has surged to 3rd place in global investment attractiveness in 2024, up from 12th in 2023, according to a recent Fraser Institute report. This leap is due to a robust mining policy environment, attracting $10 billion in new investments over the past three years. To foster investment and sustainable growth, the …

Lesotho Economic Outlook 2023

Lesotho Economic Outlook: 2021—2023 1. Real Sector Outlook Lesotho's near-term growth has been downgraded as challenges in the manufacturing industry outweigh resilience in the mining industry. The high frequency indicators in the textile and clothing industry point to declining orders from the US market. The declining or-

MIASA welcomes Lesotho Chamber of Mines as a member

The Mining Industry Association of Southern Africa (MIASA) welcomed the Lesotho Chamber of Mines to their association at its first biannual meeting of the year in Stellenbosch, South Africa. The meeting took place just before the annual "Investing in African Mining Indaba 2020" event that in Cape Town, South Africa.

Zambia : Chamber Of Mines Calls For Stable Policies

The Zambia Chamber of Mines has warned that policy instability would negatively affect the mining sector. The Chamber has expressed concern over what it has termed as abnormal and impractical ...

Chamber of Mines | South African government agency

Other articles where Chamber of Mines is discussed: South Africa: Union and disunity: The Chamber of Mines and miners' trade unions on the Witwatersrand engaged in combat for a decade and a half. Whenever violent confrontations flared up—as they did in 1907, 1913, and 1914—the government deployed troops to end the strikes. White workers …

Lesotho Chamber of Commerce and Industry …

The Lesotho Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a non-partisan business association that supports, protects and advocates the interests of its members operating legal business in Lesotho and …

Southern Africa mining association welcomes Lesotho chamber …

The Mining Industry Association of Southern Africa (MIASA) welcomed the Lesotho Chamber of Mines to the association at its first biannual meeting of the year in Stellenbosch near Cape Town.

MIASA Holds Its First Meeting of 2020 And Welcomes The Lesotho Chamber …

The Mining Industry Association of Southern Africa (MIASA) welcomed the Lesotho Chamber of Mines to their association at its first biannual meeting of the year in Stellenbosch, South Africa. The meeting took place just before the annual "Investing in African Mining Indaba 2020" event that started yesterday in Cape Town, South Africa. …

Lesotho Political instability gives diamond miners a breather …

The industry's main lever of influence within government, the Lesotho Chamber of Mines, is chaired by Mohale Ralikariki, the CEO of Storm Mountain Diamonds. Ralikariki is well connected to the ministry of mines, where he served as the commissioner of mines and was the Lesotho contact person for the international diamond certification …