sinter furnace used in pelletizing process

sinter furnace used in pelletizing process

Understanding Pellets and Pellet Plant Operations

Other important properties of the pellets to be used for blast furnace feed are reducibility, porosity, and bulk density. With some concentrates these can be varied within certain limits. Pelletization process. ... It is essentially a modification of the sintering process. The green balls are fed onto the grate continuously to give a bed depth ...

Comparative review on the technologies of briquetting, …

cal processing was conducted in this research. Briquetting, sintering, pelletizing and direct use of fines (process-ing without agglomeration) were conditionally emphasized among these technologies. The roller-press briquetting, vibropressing briquetting and stiff vacuum extrusion constitute the basis of the briquetting technology, advantages

(PDF) Iron Ore Sintering: Process

Sinter and pellets are used together in blast furnace (Jiang et al., 2010a ), but there are several drawbacks, mainly: spherical shape of pellets (lower angle of repose than sinter,

Iron Ore Sinter

Sintering is the most economic and widely used agglomeration process for preparing iron ore fines for blast furnace use. The product of the sintering process is conveyed and charged into the blast furnace for the production of hot metal. ... The process of packing and pre-pelletizing the sinter mix is not affected by the substitution of ...

Pelletization Pellets1. Pelletizing Process. Similar to sintering, pelletizing is another widely used process to agglomerate the iron ore. Sinter plants are usually located near the blast furnace plant, but pelletizing plants are often located near the mining site. Some works have both pelletizing and sintering plants at the smelter …

The Sintering Process of Iron Ore Fines – IspatGuru

Today sinter is the main metallic burden for a large blast furnace. The sintering process is used to agglomerate a mix of iron ores (blend), return fines, fluxes and coke, with a particle size of less than 10 mm, so that the resulting sinter, with a screened size of 10 mm to 30 mm, can withstand pressure and temperature conditions …

Outotec Steel Belt Sintering

The Outotec Steel Belt Sintering Furnace is an efective, multi-compartment furnace through which pellets are conveyed on a perforated steel belt. This treatment gives the …

Reduction of Iron Ore Pellets, Sinter, and Lump Ore under …

This research work focuses on the reduction behavior of iron ore pellets, sinter, and lump ore in simulated BF shaft conditions where H 2 and H 2 O are present in typical CO CO 2 N 2 atmospheres. 2 Experimental Section. Sinter, lump ore, and iron ore pellets were used in experiments. The composition for all three materials is shown in …

Effect of pellet size on pellet sintering process of …

The permeability of the sintering process can be significantly improved by the pellet sintering, but the excessive permeability will impact the heat accumulation of the sinter bed. Thus, it is very essential to clarify the influence of the pellet particle size on the heat transfer process of sintering. Therefore, pilot-scale sinter pot tests of pellet …

Introduction to Iron ore Pellets and Pelletizing processes

Pelletizing is a process which involves mixing of very finely ground particles of iron ore fines having a size which is less than 200 mesh (0.074 mm) with additives like bentonite and then shaping them into near oval/spherical balls having size in the range of 8 mm to 16 mm in diameter by a pelletizer and hardening the balls by firing …

Use of Iron Ore Pellets in Blast Furnace Burden – IspatGuru

BF burden, blast furnace, Hot metal, Iron ore, iron ore pellets, sinter, Use of Iron Ore Pellets in Blast Furnace Burden Pelletizing is a process that involves mixing very finely ground particles of iron ore fines of size less than 200 mesh with additives like bentonite and then shaping them into oval/spherical lumps of 8-20 mm in diameter by a ...

Reducing process of sinter in COREX shaft furnace and …

The results show that the reducing process of sinter in COREX shaft furnace was basically same with that in blast furnace but sinter seems like breaking faster. Under reducing condition simulated COREX shaft furnace, sinter possessed the worst reduction degradation index (RDI) and undifferentiated reduction index (RI) compared …


future of the iron making processes that use sinter and pellets, mainly the Blast furnace and DR process. The future of these processes in turn depends upon steel production and consumption, which have been on an upward trend. Environmental interest Commitments to minimise CO2 emission mainly by striving to minimise overall energy consumption. 24

What Is Difference Between Sinter And Pellet?

Pelletizing compacts fine materials into small, dense pellets, often used in the steel industry. 2. Sintering Process. Sintering is a pyrometallurgical process where small particles of metal or other materials are welded together by applying heat below the melting point of the metal. This process is crucial in metallurgy for strengthening metal ...

Study on Sintering Technology of Manganese Ore Fines

Methods Pilot-Scale Sinter Pot Tests. The pellet-sintering process for manganese ore fines includes additional steps of raw material pretreatment and pelletizing, and it employs the technique of fuel fractionation as shown in Fig. 1b. First, the manganese ore fines are finely ground to − 0.074mm accounted for 60% by the roll crusher (Φ200 × …

Sintering Process

14th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering. Haoran Li, Tong Qiu, in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2022. 2.1 Process description. The sintering process is an important thermochemical process in the blast furnace ironmaking system. It involves the heating of fine iron ore with flux and coke fines or coal to produce a semi …

Iron Ore Pelletizing Process: An Overview | IntechOpen

Materials containing a very fine particle size distribution are not adequate to be used directly in the reduction reactors, requiring to be agglomerated by different …

Advances in Sintering and Pellet Technology

Four types of sintering techniques—viz conventional pressure less sintering, hot pressing, spark plasma sintering, pulsed electric current sintering, microwave sintering and laser sintering—are …


Sinter and pellets are agglomerated forms of iron ore, both suitable for use as blast furnace burden materials. The principle difference between sinter and pellets arises …

What is Pelletizing?

Pelletizing is used throughout a multitude of industries to process thousands of materials from difficult to handle powders and fines, into easy to handle pellets. With many benefits, and a highly customizable …

Schematic of the straight grate pelletizing process.

SG process consists of a single furnace which encloses an endless chain of pallet cars ( Figure 5).At the feed end of the furnace, a small layer of indurated pellets known as the hearth layer is ...

Iron Ore Pelletizing Process: An Overview

Lump 6.3 31.7 Directly fed to blast furnace and direct reduction Sinter feed 0.15 6.3 Agglomeration by sintering to be fed in blast furnaces ... Aiming to achieve those specifications, binders and additives are used in the pelletizing process. Additives such as limestone, dolomite, and hydrated lime are used to modify the

Blast Furnace Ironmaking

Due to ecological and economic reasons, the conventional blast furnace process has changed within the past decades. A better burden distribution, increases in sinter and pellets quality, back pressure at the furnace top, and hot blast temperature of 1200–1300 °C, resulted in a rise of furnace productivity and drop in coke rate. Injection …

Iron ore pelletization

Iron ore lump, sinter, and pellets comprise the main burden of modern blast furnaces. However, sinter and pellets are now the dominant blast furnace burden, …


The advantages and disadvantages of using greater amounts of iron ore concentrate are discussed, focusing on the production and use of fired pellets in the blast furnace.

A comparative study of pellets, sinter and mixed ferrous …

Raw materials. Commercially supplied iron ore pellets and sinter of size range 10–13 mm are utilised in the present study. Comparable to the utilisation in the industrial blast furnace, two types of olivine fluxed pellets (types 1 and 2) and one type of iron ore sinter are mixed in 40:20:40 ratio to form a ferrous raw material bed.

Understanding Sinter and Sinter Plant …

As per thumb rule, the use of fluxed sinter indicate that for each 100 kg of limestone per net ton of hot metal removed from the blast furnace burden and charged into the sinter plant to make a fluxed …

High lump use in the blast furnace -implications for sinter …

In the iron ore sintering process, the resistance to air flow is a major factor in deciding the flame front speed, which influences the sinter productivity and quality.

Modelling of a steel belt sintering process

Sintering is the process of forming materials and components from a powder under the action of thermal energy. It is a key materials science subject: most ceramic materials and many specialist ...