bendemeer basin coal deposit north clermont coal limited

bendemeer basin coal deposit north clermont coal limited

Carmichael Coal Mine and Rail Project, Queensland

The Carmichael coal deposit lies across a 200km² area in the northern part of Galilee Basin, approximately 160km north-west of Clermont in Central Queensland. The Carmichael deposit comprises Late Permian coal seams mainly found in three formations: the Colinlea Sandstones, the Bandanna Formation and the Betts Creek Beds.

EPC 1241 Queensland Thermal Coal Pty Ltd

identification of the Bendemeer Basin. This basin was extensively tested and 13 …

Glencore and Sumitomo to acquire majority interest in …

binding agreement to acquire Rio Tinto's 50.1% interest in the Clermont thermal coal …

(PDF) Facies Architecture and Depositional Dynamics of the …

The Upper Permian Rangal Coal Measures in the northern Bowen Basin, Australia, accumulated during rapid basinal aggradation in a retroarc foreland basin setting.

Organic Geochemical Features of the Upper …

The exploration of hydrocarbon resources plays a critical role in fulfilling the world's increasing demand for energy. In this regard, the distribution and source rock characteristics of coal measure stratum in …

Maceral Characterization of the Cretaceous Effin-Okai Coal Deposit …

The section exposed at Okaba coal mine consists of six lithological units, which from base to top are: coal (2.0 m thick) overlain by wavy-laminated silty shale (2.2 m thick), carbonaceous black ...

Coal Deposits

2.3 Geology of Coal-Bearing Basins and Area in South, Central, and North Mongolia 2.3.1 South Gobi Basin. Coal deposits in Southern Mongolia occur in the South Gobi Basin, which covers 40,000 km 2 with an extension of 600 km running from east to west along its axis (Fig. 14.2).

Discovery of Ge-bearing mineral in a Carboniferous coal …

It has been noted that thin coal seams generally have a higher germanium content than thick ones in the high germanium coal basin (Hower et al., 2002). Höll et al. (2007) also proposed that coal basin with thin coal seams is one of the criteria for Ge exploration in lignite and coal. Based on this evidence, the Yuzhou Coalfield could be …


which comprises Queensland Coal Pty Limited (50.1%), Mitsubishi Development Pty Limited ... The Clermont coal deposit is covered by mining lease (ML) 1884 and ML 1904, which were granted in 1983. The junction of the Peak Downs Highway and the Gregory Developmental ... 4km north of the Clermont Coal Mine, as a bulk water storage …

Bering Coal Basin

Bering Coal Basin, Far Eastern Russia. The Bering Coal Basin consists of two tenements: Amaam North and Amaam. These tenements are located in the Beringovsky Basin which is located in the Chukotka …

The Coal Potential of Sumatra (paper) — PT …

Figure 5 shows a diagrammatic section through the backarc basin. The backarc coal deposits range in age from Early Miocene near the uplifted mountain range to peat swamps on the east coast of …


PDF | On Jul 1, 2019, A M Narimi and others published EXPLORATION FOR COAL DEPOSIT IN THE NORTH EASTERN PART OF SOKOTO BASIN, NIGERIA USING AEROMAGNETIC DATA | Find, read and cite all the research ...

Clermont Coal Mine

The Clermont mine is a surface coal mine, operated by Glencore, and …

(PDF) An overview of the Permian (Karoo) coal deposits of …

The Permian coal deposits in the Karoo basin (Smith and Whittaker, 1986a) define an arc extending from west to east in the northern section of the depository (Fig. 1,


Coal is a black or brownish-black sedimentary rock that can be burned for fuel and used to generate electricity.It is composed mostly of carbon and hydrocarbons, which contain energy that can be released through combustion (burning). Coal is the largest source of energy for generating electricity in the world, and the most abundant fossil fuel ……

EPC 1212 Belyando NorthAnnual Report - April 2015 (Year 7) EPC 1212 Belyando North. Annual. Report - April. 2015 (Year. 7) Page 10. Page 10

Mui Basin coal mining paused

The Mui Basin in Kitui is a 500-square-kilometer area, where coal deposits were discovered in Kenya. Its location is 270 kilometers east of Nairobi and the government plans to exploit the coal reserve to generate cheap electricity. The discovery of the Mui Basin was announced in 2010.

Report confirms 'extraordinary' Bowen Basin coal deposit

Vitrinite Pty Ltd has identified 123 million tonnes of coking coal in the Karin Basin tenement in the Bowen Basin – much of which has the highest fluidity ever recorded in Australia. The company was formed by three thirty-something friends against the backdrop of a collapse in coal exploration spending across Queensland, from $718m in …

New projects in the Bowen Basin

THERE are 34 coal mines operating in the Bowen Basin, an area responsible for approximately 85% of Queenslands coal production with an overall resource of some 28 billion tonnes of coal. On the back of the mining boom, development in the region is set to grow even more, with Bowen Basin players bringing on expansions and …

Blair Athol Coal Mine

Note: The above section was automatically generated and is based on data from the GEM April 2024 Global Coal Mine Tracker dataset. Background. The Blair Athol mine is an open cut coal mine located 24 kilometres north west of Clermont in the Bowen Basin in central Queensland. Blair Athol Mine closed from 2012 to 2017, when Rio Tinto sold it to …

| Cuesta Coal

Cuesta Coal Limited ("Cuesta") is an ASX listed coal exploration and development Company focused on developing quality coal assets in Queensland, Australia. The Company's primary focus is the development of the Flagship Moorlands Project located in the Western Bowen Basin of Queensland near the world class Clermont Coal Mine.

Moorlands: Mining Scoping Study

Located in the western margin of the Bowen Basin in an area known as the Moorlands / …

Tertiary Coal and Lignite Deposits of India and their Source …

He has also investigated the source rock potential of various coal and lignite deposits of India, including the Rajmahal basin (Singh & Singh, 1994) and north-east (Singh & Singh, 2001, 2003) for their hydrocarbon generation using fluorescence microscopy technique.

What we do – Anglo American Australia

Moranbah North is an underground longwall mine which began operating in 1998. Moranbah North's steelmaking coal is mined from the Goonyella Middle Seam mainly for export to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, India, Brazil and European countries. Moranbah North is 88% owned by Anglo American, with the remaining 12% owned by joint venture partners.

Major Mines & Projects | Clermont Mine

These include the Collinsville Coal Measures in the north, the Rugby Coal Measures south-west of Moranbah, and a group of deposits in the Clermont area, including the Blair Athol and Wolfang Basins, which are structural outliers of the Bowen Basin. The Calen Coal Measures, which occur near the coast north of Mackay, are also considered to be …

Record 2019/10: Coal resources of the Canning Basin, …

1960s to 1980s. Targeted exploration recommenced in the late 2000s and one deposit, Duchess–Paradise, has resource estimates reported according to the JORC code (2012). The Canning Basin coal is classified as sub-bituminous with high sulfur, due to the presence of pyrite and marcasite, and moderate to high ash, and is a low to moderate …

An overview of the Permian (Karoo) coal deposits of southern Africa

The lithologies that contain the coal deposits are Permian in age and assigned to the Karoo Supergroup (SACS, 1980; Johnson et al., 1996), and Karoo-type deposits are known from all of the countries described in this paper (Fig. 1).The Karoo basin in South Africa is regarded as the type-locality for the southern African coals …

Ethiopian Coal Deposits and Resource Development Prospects

Canadian resources of bituminous and anthracite coal occur in six of ten provinces and in the Yukon and Northwest Territories. These higher-rank coals are found in 12 of the 16 coal-bearing basins ...

(PDF) Electrical Resistivity Imaging of a Coal Deposit at Tai …

A 2-D electrical resistivity imaging of some parts of Tai in Akko Local Government area of Gombe State, northeastern Nigeria was carried out. Tai is located 28 km from Pindiga and lies between ...

The Karoo Basin of South Africa: type basin for the coal …

The coal-bearing sediments and coal seams of the Karoo Basin, Southern Africa are described and discussed. The Karoo Basin is bounded on its southern margin by the Cape Fold Belt, onlaps onto the ...