sintering temperature of iron ore

sintering temperature of iron ore

Minerals | Special Issue : Mineralogy of Iron Ore …

Iron ore sintering is a high temperature process which converts iron ore fines (<6–8 mm in size, too small for direct feed into the blast furnace) into larger agglomerates containing bonding phases, …

(PDF) Iron Ore Sintering: Quality Indices

F. Verdeja (2017) Iron Ore Sintering: Quality Indices, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy. Review, 38:4, 254-264, DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2017.1323744 ... For lump iron ores, the softening ...

Effect of bed shrinkage on iron ore sintering process

Iron ore sintering entails high energy consumption and also produces significant pollution, responsible for the highest share of CO 2 emission, as well as SO 2 and NOx emissions, in the iron and steel production processes. 5 The SO 2 and NO X emissions from this process account for ∼70% and ∼40% of the total iron and steel …

Iron Ore Sinter

Automated optical image analysis of natural and sintered iron ore. E. Donskoi, ... J.R. Manuel, in Iron Ore, 2015 4.2.2 Sinter. Low-temperature (< 1300 °C) iron ore sinter is an agglomerate of unmelted and partially melted nuclei particles (+ 1 mm) and a matrix bonding phase produced from the melting of fine ore (− 1 mm) and flux particles, with …

Mathematical modelling of iron ore sintering process using …

A mathematical model of the iron ore sintering process in a fixed sinter bed and optimisation of the process parameters using real valued genetic algorithm is described. The mathematical model is formulated based on mass and energy balances in gas and solid phases, which are represented by simple partial differential equations. The …

Utilization of Biomass Pellets in the Iron Ore Sintering …

3.1 Impact of Biopellet on Sintering Temperature Profiles. Figure 3 shows the temperature profile observed during iron ore sintering process at different proportions of biopellet. With an increase in biopellet the maximum temperature within the sinter bed reduces. In the presence of biomass, the water content required to granulate the sinter …

Iron ore sintering

Granulation and thermal densification are the two most important steps in iron ore sintering, and determine the quality of the resultant sinter and the performance …

Effect of Temperature, Time, and Cooling Rate on the …

Sintering is a process by which a mixture of fine-grained iron ores (< 6.3 mm), fluxes, and coke are agglomerated in a sinter plant to manufacture a sinter product …

Effects of Particle Size of Coke on Iron Ore Sintering Process …

In this study, experiments were carried out to evaluate effects of particle size of coke on iron ore sintering and to obtain the proper proportion of 1–3 mm coke breeze . ... The sintering was finished when the waste gas was cooled down to 200 °C from the maximum temperature. The sinter was crushed by a single toothed roller …

The correlation between high temperature properties and sintering …

There is a negative correlation between the tumble index (TI) of sinter products and LAT of iron ore fines. Iron ore fines have better sintering performance within the appropriate range of IFL ...

The Sintering Process of Iron Ore Fines

The Sintering Process of Iron Ore Fines. satyendra; March 9, 2013; 9 Comments ; flux sinter, Iron ore fines, self fluxing sinter, sinter, sinter machines, Stright line machine. circular machine, super fluxed sinter,; The Sintering Process of Iron Ore Fines. Sintering plants are normally associated with the production of hot metal in blast …

Theory and Practice of Sintering of Iron ore – IspatGuru

During the sintering process, the chemical reactions are taking place at high temperature and the iron ore and fluxes are combined together and form a sinter cake composed of iron ore, silico-ferrites of calcium and aluminum (SFCA), dicalcium silicate and a glassy phase.

Optimizing Iron Ore Matching for Sintering Based on High Temperature …

For a long time, the research of ore blending based on high temperature properties of iron ore have been commonly conducted [1, 2].However, the assimilation properties and flow properties of iron ore are mostly evaluated by the minimum assimilation temperature [] and the liquidity index [], which was seldom considered the sintering …

Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer …

Iron ore sintering refers to the process of mixing iron ore, fuel, flux, and iron-containing waste produced in the ironmaking and steelmaking process in a certain proportion, and then the fuel is burned …

(PDF) Thermodynamic Analysis of Iron Ore Sintering …

The sintering maximum temperature has a great influence on sintering technical indicators. The best sintering maximum temperature is between 1300 and 1400 °C, where sinter ore with high quality ...

Partial substitution of anthracite for coke breeze in iron ore sintering

The iron ore sintering process is one of the vital steps -in an integrated steelmaking chain, the goal of which is to agglomerate iron ore fines into porous sinters with a high mechanical strength ...

Thermodynamic Modelling of Iron Ore …

Though the oxygen partial pressure and the temperature corresponding to the iron ore sintering process are not well defined and vary in different zone, it is expected that the oxygen partial pressure will …

Iron Ore Sintering Subsection Temperature Model on the …

The iron ore sintering process is one of the most significant step in the steelmaking industry, which influences the production, quality and the energy consumption of the blast furnace. With the rapid development of the steelmaking technology in recent 20 years, sintering process consumes 10–15% of China's total energy consumption by far ...

Iron Ore Sintering: Process: Mineral Processing and …

The present article reviews the sintering process that the mixture follows, once granulated, when it is loaded onto the sinter strand. There, the sinter mixture is partially melted at a temperature between 1300-1480°C and undergoes a series of reactions that forms the sinter cake to be loaded into the blast furnace to produce pig iron.


Keywords: sintering process, laboratory sintering pan, infrared thermography, temperature control 1 Introduction Sintering is an agglomeration process in which iron ore fines and other products such as coke fines (or biomass) and basic materials are mixed and fired at a temperatures 1200 – 1350 °C.

Ore Sintering

In contrast, in fixed bed combustion, a sharp temperature non-uniformity ranging from the room temperature up to 1000 °C over less than 1/2 min can easily be generated as in the case of iron ore sintering. There the heat generated is transferred to the flowing gas, which then gives the heat to the still cold solids that are waiting for ignition.

A sintering burden blending model based on one-step

Download Citation | A sintering burden blending model based on one-step optimization method and high-temperature characteristics of iron ore | A sintering burden blending model is an intelligent ...

Basics of Iron Ore Sintering

In case of chromite, the temperature required for sintering is about 200 0 C more than that required for iron ore sintering. The process conditions for manganese ore sintering are almost similar to that for iron ore.

Recent progress in sustainable and energy-efficient technologies …

Iron ore sinter plants are energy-intensive components of integrated iron and steel production (see Table 1), where the iron ore fines (<5 mm) are converted into larger (>5 mm) lump sinter cakes with greater gas permeability, which are the most important burden materials for iron making in blast furnaces (BFs) [7].The main process is shown …

Determination method of high-temperature characteristics of iron-ore …

As is well known, high-temperature characteristics of iron ores are identified as the basic indexes to evaluate the impact of iron ore properties on the sintering process as well as the output and ...

Comprehensive evaluation of hydrogen-rich energy application in iron

The iron ore sintering, ... Hematite is distributed around the pores, which proves that the sintering temperature is high enough to oxidize magnetite, but the high temperature holding time seems to be short, which fails to produce sufficient liquid phase to fill the pores. In addition, the large amount of magnetite in layer-4 indicates that the ...

Iron ore sintering

Sintering is the most economic and widely used agglomeration process to prepare iron ore fines for blast furnace use. Compared with pellets, production of sinter …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | A Short Review of the …

In this process, a mixture of iron ore fines, flux, and coal particles is heated to about 1300 °C–1480 °C in a sinter bed. The strength and reducibility properties of iron ore sinter are obtained by liquid phase …

Thermodynamic Analysis of Iron Ore Sintering Process …

When the sintering maximum temperature is 1500 °C and the solid fuel used is coke breeze, the content of S in the sinter ore is 1.6 × 10 −9 %, which is much lower than that of the high-qualitied sinter ore's limit. Although the content of S rises rapidly with the increase of the sintering maximum temperature, its influence can be ...

Mechanisms in oxidation and sintering of magnetite iron ore …

The duplex structure forms, because in the pelletizing process, only the outer shell of pellets is oxidized before the sintering temperature is reached. ... In the present work, oxidation and sintering mechanisms in iron ore green pellets under non-sintering and sintering conditions were studied. The intent was to get more information about the ...