what are literature review of mines plant

what are literature review of mines plant

Life Cycle Assessment in mineral processing – a review of

The aim of this literature review is to investigate the role of the beneficiation stage in the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of metals and minerals with a focus on the …

A Review on Remediation of Iron Ore Mine Tailings via …

Mining operations degrade natural ecosystems by generating a large quantity of mine tailings. Mine tailings remain in dams/open ponds without further treatment after valuable metals such as iron ore have been extracted. Therefore, rehabilitation of tailings to mitigate the negative environmental impacts is of the utmost necessity. This review …

Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry : A literature review

size of the mine, scale of actual operation and size of processing plant. Koahnken (2018 ) in a report to the Worldwide Fund for Nature reveals several ecological impacts due to sand mining.

Research trends in mining accidents study: A systematic …

By applying a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) review method, a systematic literature review (SLR) identified 57 studies related to mining accident issues from 2015 to 2019 from the ScienceDirect and …

Review A review of soil heavy metal pollution from mines in …

This review summarizes available data in the literature (2005–2012) on heavy metal polluted soils originating from mining areas in China. Based on these obtained data, this paper then evaluates the soil pollution levels of these collected mines and quantifies the risks these pollutants pose to human health.

Heat Stress in Hot Underground Mines: a Brief Literature Review …

Interactions between human beings and their work environment require the body to regulate its temperature by balancing heat production and loss. Comfortable environmental conditions are crucial for keeping workers safe and healthy and to maintain a suitable level of productivity. However, achieving a proper core body temperature may …

Mining and biodiversity: key issues and research needs in …

2. The many ways mining activities impact biodiversity. Mining affects biodiversity at multiple spatial scales (site, landscape, regional and global) through direct (i.e. mineral extraction) and indirect processes (via industries supporting mining operations, and external stakeholders who gain access to biodiversity-rich areas as the result of mining).

Review of Environmental and Health Impacts of Mining in …

Introduction. Mineral wealth is an important asset that can be used to stimulate or enhance economic growth and spur infrastructure development, including the building of schools, hospitals and road networks.1 Mining has played a substantial role in the development of Ghana, which is second only to South Africa in terms of gold …

A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning

mines differ depending on the nature of the mate-rial removed. Shallow mines from which gravel and sand are extracted are generally referred to as quar-ries; deeper, long mines from which coal is removed are known as strip mines. Figure 1 depicts a deep surface mine that is typical of mines with hard metal deposits such as copper. …

Agriculture | Free Full-Text | Research Progress of Soil and

Open-pit mining has caused extensive land destruction, including land abandonment and reduction in agricultural land, resulting in serious environmental problems. Ecological restoration and mine reclamation have become important components of the sustainable development strategies in Inner Mongolia, China. Therefore, the …

Carbon dioxide poisoning: a literature review of an often …

Methods. A literature review was performed where articles were sought in MEDLINE medical database via PubMed using the search terms: "dry ice poisoning," "carbon dioxide poisoning," "CO 2 poisoning," "carbon dioxide intoxication," and "CO 2 intoxication." The references of the articles that were found were further evaluated to …

Conducting a Literature Review

Conducting a literature Review for the first time can be confusing. These tutorials will provide you with tips and examples. Source ... TYPE, by AUTHOR, Colorado School of Mines Arthur Lakes Library, used under a CC-BY-NC license. Example: Keyword Search Tips, LibWizard tutorial, by Brianna Buljung, Colorado School of Mines Arthur …

Literature Review: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM)

This chapter presents a critical review of the existing literature of what has come to be known as artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). ... but, in practice, access to mines is open, and many foreign mining entrepreneurs including the Chinese, protected by government officials, engage in ASM (Crawford and Botchwey, 2017; Boafo et al., 2019 ...

Review A review on the impact of mining and mineral …

This review paper identifies the research gaps to the existing literature that can form the base for future research direction in the field of LCA and sustainable …

Literature Review of Advanced Reactor Cost Estimates

Literature Review of Advanced Reactor Cost Estimates Milestone M3CT-23IN1207065 October 2023 ... (based on learning, numbers of plants per site, etc.). Reference breakdowns (in costs, based on a code of account structure) are provided for the main four types of advanced reactors. It is important to emphasize that the goal of the study is not

(PDF) Review of the latest research on coal, environment, …

Fossil fuels, coal in particular, are indispensable sources of energy necessary for today's technological and economical progress throughout the world.

Preliminary review of mine air pollution in Zambia

The aim of this article was to review the relevant publications on the impacts of air pollution arising from mining operations with respect to human health, plants, animals and infrastructure and ...

A comprehensive review of separation technologies for …

The literature collection was filtered from Web of Science Core Collection database in Clarivate Analytics (on 21th December 2022). ... It is an obvious challenge for the application of tribo-electrostatic separation in plant where a high power dehumidifier is necessary for low relative humidity (<20%). ... a systematic literature review. Waste ...

Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry : A literature …

Based on a literature review, this article presents environmental impacts of the mining (also know as the extractive) industry. The article presents details of 11 main …

A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning

Literature reviews on the use of operations research in mining in general (e.g., Newman et al., 2010; Bjorndall et al., 2011;Kozan and Liu,2011), and below ground mining in particular (Alford et ...

Characteristics and gaps in the assessment of progress in …

Pictorial representations of restoration assessment guidelines pertaining to common goals for restoring (A) ecosystems and (B) ecosystem services and other …

Solar Power Plant Site Selection: A Systematic Literature Review …

Site Selection is a crucial step in installing Solar Power Plant (SPP) as it is determined by a set of quantitative and qualitative factors, which are vague in nature. In this review, various suggestions for site location of Photovoltaic Power System (PVPS) are...

Review Biological remediation of acid mine drainage: Review …

Formation of acid mine drainage (AMD) is a widespread environmental issue that has not subsided throughout decades of continuing research. Highly acidic and highly concentrated metallic streams are characteristics of such streams. Humans, plants and surrounding ecosystems that are in proximity to AMD producing sites face immediate …

Native Plant Species: a Tool for Restoration of Mined Lands

The plantation of selected species of plants could be a sustainable and organic tool for the restoration of the degraded mined land. In today's context, various ways regarding ecological restoration are suggested, but the native plant species plantation is the best tool for restoring the degraded land at a quicker pace. ... Rain causes the ...

(PDF) Organizational Factors, Residual Risk Management …

A systematic literature review (SLR) study by applying the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) review method has identified 33 articles on safety culture in ...

A comprehensive review on landmine detection using deep …

Detection of Landmines, especially anti-tank mines, bombs, and unexploded substances, is one of the major challenges facing humanity. The devastation and human tragedy associated with undetected explosives are self-evident in war-torn communities. To deal with this problem, we are only left with proactive measures that …

Identification and categorization of hazards in the mining …

The aim of this literature review is to provide a helpful resource for researchers, mining engineers and OHS managers who are concerned about risk management/engineering issues and are seeking insight into how best to monitor OHS hazards in the mining sector. ... article, conference proceeding, or review. Type of …

Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry : A literature review

Based on a literature review, this article presents environmental impacts of the mining (also know as the extractive) industry. The article presents details of 11 main environmental impacts ...

Recent Research Agendas in Mining Equipment Management: A Review

Nowadays, with the advancement of technological innovations and wide implementation of modern mining equipment, research topics on mining equipment management are attracting more and more attention from both academic scholars and industrial practitioners. With this background, this paper comprehensively reviews recent …

Recycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings: A Review of …

This review paper explores available literature on the main techniques of mining tailing recycling and reuse and discusses leading technologies, including the benefits and limitations, as well as ...