white marble slurry utilization

white marble slurry utilization

Stone Slurry in Cement Concrete for Sustainable Use in Civil

Sp. gravity 2.61, Fineness modulus was found to be 0.91 and Utilization of marble slurry in Cement Mortar replacing Sand is 30% which shows equal strength as of Control i.e. 1:3 Cement Mortar 0% ...

Recovery and utilization of ultrafine marble dust contained …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Recovery and utilization of ultrafine marble dust contained in marbre slurry waste" by G. Siotto et al. Skip to search ..., title={Recovery and utilization of ultrafine marble dust contained in marbre slurry waste}, author={Giampaolo Siotto and Nicola Careddu and Luciano Curreli and Graziella Marras and ...

Sustainable Use of Marble Waste in Industrial …

The addition of marble waste to fired clay bricks is an economical and effective solution to control soil erosion and marble waste utilization. In previous studies, the addition of marble waste to clay bricks has shown …

Engineering Utilization of Marble Slurry as Curing Aid

PDF | On Jul 1, 2014, Kushwah Rpsingh published Engineering Utilization of Marble Slurry as Curing Aid | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Composite of marble slurry with Lime and White cement

In this study, marble slurry can be easily utilized in making composite of Marble slurry, Lime and White cement. Discover the world's research 25+ million members

Utilization of marble waste slurry in the preparation of …

PDF | On Jun 12, 2018, Waheed -ur-Rehman published Utilization of marble waste slurry in the preparation of bricks | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

Draft Guidelines For M&H of Marble Slurry Generated From Marble …

I (a) & (b) Annexure-II Annexure-III 23 24 'Utilization of marble slurry as raw mix component and/or additive for the manufacture of Ordinary Portland Cement' prepared by National Council for Cement and Building Materials, New Delhi year 2007 'A new technology of marble slurry waste utilization in roads' by Shri A K Misra, CRRI, New ...

(PDF) Utilization of "Marble Slurry" In Cement Concrete Replacing …

Utilization of "Marble Slurry" In Cement Concrete Replacing Fine Agreegate. American journal of Engineering Research (AJER) See Full PDF Download PDF.

Recovery and utilization of ultra-fine marble dust contained in marble

Based on the analysis of concrete with various replacement levels of marble slurry, it can be concluded that for up to 15% replacement, an enhanced physical strength and durability of concrete ...

Sustainable Utilization of Stone Slurry Waste in the West …

This study aims to investigate the potential utilization of stone slurry powder in artificial stone production. This utilization will help toward environmental protection, sustainable stone industry by reducing natural stone exploitation, and will create new jobs. ... The components used represented 20% (wt) of the stone powder, 30% (wt) of ...

Marble Sludge Waste Raw Material Is Useful in Various …

Chosira and Neharkhan are famous for white marble, whereas Ulodi is famous for Albeto Marble. These mines produce white-brown marble. Gulabi stands for pink plain and …

Solid Waste Engineering with Reference to Industrial Marble …

WHITE WASHING WITH MARBLE SLURRY. Experiment Findings. Full-text available. ... "A new technology of marble slurry waste utilization in roads" Journal of science & industrial research, vol 69, (2010).

A Critical Literature review on Effective Utilization of Kota Stone …

Marble paste is a mixture of slurry powder with white cement and slacked or hydrated lime 41 International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 3(1), ISSN: 2394-9333 along with gluing agent. ... studied that Marble slurry utilization in the black cotton soil is one of the best ways to improve soil properties and to ...

A new technology of marble slurry waste utilisation in roads …

Marble slurry dust (MSD, a waste of marble industry, finds bulk utilization potential in roads. This study indicates that besides embankment construction with this waste, 20-30% of soil can be ...

Utilization of "Marble Slurry In Cement Concrete …

Utilization of the Marble slurry is the only complete solution of the Marble slurry Pollution. For this ... Properties of marble slurry:- a. Colour White. b. Texture Powder. c. Taste None d. Particle Size 4.75mm-75micron e. Fineness Modulus 0.91 f. Natural moisture content 0%(if under roof) ...

A study on environmental and economic impacts of using …

Air and water permeability are found to improve with the incorporation of marble slurry, and surface resistivity of concrete also improves for 15% replacement of cement [47]. Concrete exposed to sulfate is vulnerable to deterioration.

Alternative fillers for use in slurry seal

The utilization of marble slurry in mortar either by substitution or addition,in damp proof course(DPC)replacing sand by 50% marble slurry as leak proof material, formwork removing agent, curing and white washing mixture were investigated by field experiments and observations. Formwork removal was easily obtained with smooth surfaces.

status report on commercial utilization of marble

Marble – generally a white based elegant looking stone, geologically a thermally metamorphosed rocks belonging mainly to Precambrian rock formations of Rajasthan, spread over in 16 belts in 15 districts of the State is much sought after stone. ... The areas where the utilization of marble waste and marble slurry needs to be explored as a ...


The most efficient solution of marble slurry problem is the utilization in lot. The properties of marble slurry are worked out in the laboratory and given here in the average of three …



An Overview of Utilization of Marble Slurry as A

Marble slurry dust (MSD, a waste of marble industry, finds bulk utilization potential in roads. This study indicates that besides embankment construction with this waste, 20-30% of soil can be ...

Experimental study on the behavior of waste marble …

WMP utilized in the current research was a fine powder of white color as shown in Fig. ... Vyas AK (2018) Utilization of marble powder as fine aggregate in mortar mixes. Constr Build Mater 165:321–332. Google ... Long term strength and durability parameters of hardened concrete on partially replacing cement by dried waste marble …

Marble and Granite Slurry Reuses in Industries | SpringerLink

The beauty of the marble slurry modulates 0.91, which allows it has been using for the whitewashing, which creates heat to reflect a thin layer and white, which …

A study of the chemical effect of marble and granite slurry …

The marble and granite industries in Egypt produce a vast amount of by-product slurry waste that could be used in green mortar production suitable for construction purposes. This research highlights the effect of the chemical constituents of marble and granite waste powders on the compressive strength of the green concrete produced. A …

Marble waste utilization in pakistan- the practices and few …

3. Current Scenario An indication of Marble and Granite in AJK, G.B., and Sind, but the available data and mining activities are limited to the Province of Balochistan and KP. Balochistan though contributes less in quantity, but still important due to its export quality Onyx (Shades of Green, Red, and White), and Marble (Black and Gold, Boticina, …

Production of Interlocking Tiles using Marble Slurry

The utilization of marble slurry in mortar either by substitution or addition,in damp proof course(DPC)replacing sand by 50% marble slurry as leak proof material, formwork removing agent, curing and white washing mixture were investigated by field experiments and observations. ... White washing with 50-50 slurry and lime was proved to be the ...


The utilization of marble slurry in mortar either by substitution or addition,in damp proof course(DPC)replacing sand by 50% marble slurry as leak proof material, formwork removing agent, curing and white washing …

Marble and Granite Slurry Reuses in Industries | SpringerLink

87.2.1 Utilization of Marble Slurry in Cement Manufacturing. More than 18 concrete assembling plants result from great limestone shops in the state of Rajasthan. Uncompromising the marble slurry powder has a high MGO rate along these rows concrete producing marble powder with raw materials (limestone) not removed. ...

A study on environmental and economic impacts of using waste marble

Water containing marble powder is termed as marble slurry. One ton of processed marble stone in vertical/horizontal cutter or gang-saw produces almost one ton of slurry with nearly 35–45% water content [3]. Fig. 1 shows the percentage waste produced in the marble industry, mostly dumped as unused materials. This waste slurry …


10. Curing with Marble Slurry. 11. As Finishing material Marble slurry white washing with 50-50 Lime and Marble slurry. (B) Disposal of marble slurry:- Disposal is not permanent and better solution of the problem. So it is necessary to find out a Engineering solution like utilization in bulk. Experiments:- 1. Fineness Modulus of Marble Slurry:-